
So... I started a healthy living drive on about January 9th. Before that, I had been steadily putting on weight for about 10 years (I'm nearly 28) and hadn't weighed myself in that whole time. I was eating really unhealthily, not getting any exercise, and generally just not doing my body any favours. I didn't have any scales, so I bought some and weighed myself for the first time 2 weeks ago. Got a shock when it was about 2 stone more than I thought I would be, coming in at 245.6 lb for 170cm.

Since Jan 9th I have been eating much more healthily. I've found some real motivation to make positive life changes. I've cut out junk food (no more takeaways, no vending machine trips, no buying snacks on the way home and just eating right through full size bags of crisps/chocolate etc). I eat a net of around 1500 which is just about what MFP has set me at (1520 a day target)
I've started doing workouts 4 days a week and walking the other days. I feel like I've made so many changes that I should be doing well. I do FEEL healthier and so motivated this time to do this, which I've never felt before.

Considering the amount I have to lose, it should be coming off faster, right? The first week I lost 2.6lb. This week 0.7 lb! I haven't done anything different this week. I feel really frustrated... I know 1-2lb is healthy and I've got a long way to go so I need to make it sustainable, but I really need to see progress to keep it up. It's already been so hard to make all the changes I've made.
I took measurements for the first time today, and maybe if I'd done that earlier I would have seen a change there. Who knows.

Just needed to share the frustration as feeling a little down after the weigh in this morning. If anyone has any words of motivation, that'd be great!!!


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    As long as the general trend is downward and you're taking good care of your body, you're fine. Some weeks you'll lose more, some weeks you'll lose less, some weeks you'll gain, and you won't always (or ever) be able to pinpoint the reason. Relax and enjoy your new, healthy lifestyle.