30 min lunchtime workout

Anyone want to help me out with simple, no-gym 30 min workouts to do at lunchtime?

I have a lovely park across the road from work with little hills and tracks, but I haven't run before and don't know whether to just start, or whether there is something else I can get out and do? This is in addition to nightly walks or swims.

I'd love to start the couch25k but I'm technologically disadvantaged at the moment and dont have a device to download the app to.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I used couch25k without the app. There is nothing stopping you from maybe running then walking any form of exercise is a great start.
  • CeeBee88
    CeeBee88 Posts: 33

    This website helped me. I'm loving the Staircase workout as its cardio and strength, although I'm a little nervous about working out in my actual place of work:


    Otherwise - have you tried circuit training in an unused meeting room or the park? Thats what I have been doing but think I need to up on the cardio hence the move to staircase workouts.

    If anyone else has any ideas I would be really appreciative...? Lunchtime is the only time I can really guarentee I will get a chance to workout and would like to know if somebody else has a good workout for it.