How to handle the Girl Scouts...



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have no problem at all disappointing kids and coworkers. Four bucks for a tiny box of mediocre cookies is just way too much.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    My son was in Iraq and he reported that they eat well there. But who can resist Girls Scout cookies! This way they know they have people home who love and support them. I means so muchl
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I no longer support the Girl Scouts as the organization advocates & contributes to political & moral positions counter to mine.
  • diinva
    diinva Posts: 57
    My husband ordered four boxes of the mint cookies. Why??? He doesn't even like them! I on the other hand can inhale a box. Will probably take them to the food bank box immediately upon receipt.
  • MommaKit79
    I used to think freezer was safe..l.nope! They are better that way! My husband eats them before I even see that is good!


    Yeah, the freezer ramps up the evil factor for me, too!

    The freezers is actually my friend! I put those mints in there then only grab a couple then put them back!!

  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i have no willpower. i can not order any and put them anywhere! i buy other items from them or just donate cash when i see them at stores.
  • patriciakoppa
    responding to a post about the political position of the organization. No it isn't true. The particular event probably wasn't what the poster thinks and may even be fully false. The curious should look at the official website's FAQ section. Unfortunately some misrepresentations have occurred. Now as for BSA...
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have no problem at all disappointing kids and coworkers. Four bucks for a tiny box of mediocre cookies is just way too much.

    I'm in this boat as well. They have become so overpriced I don't buy them anymore. But I do like the whole the troop sending them to the troops.
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    My daughter is a girl scout, and thankfully my husband and kids can devour them before they are too much of a temptation for me. I am a samoa lover at heart though! I will definitely be buying boxes for the troops!
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I CANNOT resist thin mints! My daughter, who was home from college, begged me to buy a box. I did not have one because if I start, they would be gone--then I would have to face the wrath of a teenaged girl!

    That is how I resisted this year!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    The Girl Scout troop I lead sold 1200 boxes. I'm proud of them. I ordered 4 boxes, my husband ordered 4, and I let my kids each buy two of their own boxes. They'll go in the freezer and be rationed as dessert for several weeks. Oh, and I ordered 4 from another council because we don't sell that flavor. LOL!

    Make it fit into your diary and show some self control.
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    Your idea of giving them away is great! For me it's the 100 boxes we have in the house to sell. Instead of taking orders we have to buy them up front and sell them. I just close the computers, turn off the tv, close the books and get those girls out of the house to get them all sold quickly!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Last year I bought a couple of boxes and ate 2 a day and worked them into my daily calories.

    As a former girl scout leader and former COOKIE CHAIRWOMAN, I know how hard these little girls work to sell their cookies, even tho the troop doesnt get much of a percentage for their troop. However, we made enough to take our scouts to New York City for a wonderful educational experience.

    My strategy this year, is my parents love Girl Scout Cookies, so I'll probably buy 10-12 boxes for them and then they can freeze them and enjoy them throughout the year.

    Please support the organization if you can, as this is the only official way Girl Scouts are allowed to have fund raisers. Think of food banks, churches who have food banks, nursing homes, etc.
  • Kswiss83
    Kswiss83 Posts: 41 Member
    I bought them this year because my boyfriend really wanted some. I bought thin mints and 2 boxes of samoas (caramel delights). I don't like caramel so the samoas in the house does not bother me. However, I have always been a sucker for thin mints. I didn't know how it would go with them being in the house. I'm happy to say that one day last week I had the calories leftover and was wanting something chocolate-y. I allowed myself a serving of the thin mints. I realized that while they tasted wasn't worth the calories to me. I am looking at this as a NSV. I'm happy to say that I haven't been tempted since.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I love tag-alongs and samoas...but when they offer them to me, I tell them I'm Diabetic (which is the truth). They lay off.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    responding to a post about the political position of the organization. No it isn't true. The particular event probably wasn't what the poster thinks and may even be fully false. The curious should look at the official website's FAQ section. Unfortunately some misrepresentations have occurred. Now as for BSA...

    Not sure what "particular event" you are alluding to, but I am comfortable with my decision. BTW as with the Girl Scouts, BSA has every right to make its own policy.

    MFP does not allow political discussion so this is my last comment in this regard.

    Apologies to the OP for going off thread.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Have you thought about just giving the Guides a monetary donation? It would free you from accepting their calories.
    To give is so much better than it is to receive!
    It used to confuse them when I gave them money at one of the tables they set up outside the local grocery stores, and then I didn't keep the cookies (or pop corn or peanut brittle or whatever the youth organization was selling). However, enough people are just donating now, and they seem to have gotten used to that. To tell the truth, I don't think the quality or price is that good anyway, so that technique worked for awhile.
    However this year my neighbor is selling, and just giving her a donation may not work so well. (She may not be able to count that as having sold cookies in any competition they have.) And I guess I'll use the other technique suggested here and donate the cookies.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I always tell any girl scout..."Thanks but I've already bought for the year." and truly i have not bought spares their feelings..and it keeps me from coming up with an excuse and having to explain myself.

    This line works for anyone asking for donations as i go about my personal private life like heading into the grocery store, mall, or just living in my house.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member

    Apologies to the OP for going off thread.

    Hey, a little controversy keeps it interesting. And all without criticizing calorie intake, form of cardio or protein shakes!! :smile:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I made it too easy. I'm allergic to peanut butter, but my dad loves it. So, I bought him 2 boxes that have peanuts. No temptation there =).

    Samoas are how we found I was allergic to coconut as a kid... but my god, they were good.