Help! I need to get motivated again!

jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been watching my calories and exercising daily since January 4th. I hit somewhat of a plateau and didn't lose anything last week! I'm starting to feel unmotivated, and I was hoping you can share your success stories, or share what helps keep you motivated. Sometimes just talking about dieting and the end results with other people helps me find my focus again.

I think what started this "unmotivation" was that I had eye surgery on my left eye 2 weeks ago, and now the right one will be this Thursday. (I'm getting implantable contact lens's). My eye doctor told me not to exercise really hard, and when I stop doing that, it's difficult for me to get back into it. I use Turbo Jam videos to really burn the calories, but now I haven't done them in 2 weeks. Walking just doesn't seem to cut it, even when I do it every day.

Hope to hear from you soon! :)


  • kksam
    kksam Posts: 38
    Don't let yourself get down. Just do what you can do till the doctor gives you the ok to go back to the type of exercise you like. Walking is always good....maybe do a longer route, or a different one. Chin up and all that good stuff. :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Two weeks ago, I went over my calories everyday for a week and didn't exercise because I was moving and by the time I finished, my gym was closed (smaller gym = less hours) and I ended up, THANK GOD, maintaining for 10 days. The next week I told myself I would kick into gear and I did. I burned close to 1,000 calories over my MFP weekly goal and I stayed within my calories everyday except for 2 and even then I didn't go over by very much. I figured a week of this and I should surely lose. I didn't. Then the week after, I finally lost a pound!! :) I had an assessment this morning and in the past month (HORRIBLE week included in that), I have lost 1/2"-1" everywhere, and in my thighs, TWO. So my hard work has paid off. Don't worry about the 2 weeks you haven't been able to exercise. Just do what you can and once you're able to work out full force, hit it HARD and girl, you'll see results! :)

    Keep us updated!
  • jenee06
    jenee06 Posts: 4
    somethimes our body needs to get used to the new weight - I dont know how much you lost or gained over the last years - but our body knows exactly - he remembers everything its insane - and somethimes he just needs alittle time to get used to the new you! (I really hope this makes sense)

    look your body or better said ur eyes :) need this rest- it's essential for your body to recover properly - dont let urself down for that.
    keep focused on what you want to achieve - how u want to feel like now the summer is knocking on the door!!! I am not talking about swimwear no - I am just talking about small things like wearing ur favourite worn-out jeans and feeling damn good in it, sitting down and not having the impression ur like a sausage squized in this pair of jeans- no they fit or could even be a bit tighter-hahaha
    I am going off topic here - but do you see where I'm coming from? I really think if you stay focused on your goal - then even taking a brake from excercising doesnt matter that much because you know what u want right?
    just continue with the gained eating habits and you will be fine - I am sure!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks everyone! I found a post that someone put up about the top 10 things they would like to do after they reach their goal weight... and seeing that reminded me why I'm doing this in the first place. Thanks for all your comments! :)
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