Rant space- Picky Eaters



  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    This is me, unfortunately. I am such a picky eater. And my response to many many things is "I don't like that" even knowing full well that I've never even put it into my mouth. My mom was one that would make me a separate supper when I was a child when she made something that she didn't think I would like. I hate that I am like this, but there's not really much I can do about it. Think of one food that you just really can't stand. Think of being told you have to eat it, the thought of putting it in your mouth repulses you right? That's how all these foods seem to me. Now that I'm a little older, I will TRY new things now and then, things that I never would have tried before, but I typically don't like them.

    I am trying to end the cycle with my children, they eat what I make, or they don't eat at all. Being a picky eater is no fun, especially when you are trying to eat healthy.

    I call BS, sorry. There are no foods I detest. Why? Because I try them in many different forms and usually find a way I like them prepared. I didn't like shrimp for almost 20 years, but recently I made a decision I would find a way to like them. So I started to try them different ways, and guess what, after some time, I started to actually enjoy them. Unless there is an actual dietary/medical/ethical reason to not eat something, I don't buy the "I don't like that" excuse. There is something you can do about it. Seriously, who likes the taste of most alcohol when they first try it?

    But...but...shrimp doesn't make me hit on questionable women, and make a total *kitten* of myself in public, so it's different. ;)

    That being said, I am definitely in the 'indiscriminate' eater category. I'll eat damn near anything, so long as it fits my macro profile, and sometimes when it doesn't.

    Pretty much the same here. My one absolute DO NOT WANT food is liquorice. That *kitten* tastes like sadness.
    There a few foods I'm not a fan of, a few I am neither here nor there about, but aside from the aforementioned evil liquorice, there isn't anything that I absolutely will not even taste
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    There's someone at my work that is INSANELY picky. It always bothers me because I like baking and making stuff for my friends at work and she not only won't eat a lot of things but she is proud of it almost...."OH...I don't eat that. Oh no...not peanut butter, see I don't like peanuts unless it's peanut chews."

    Maybe she saw the dog nomming peanut butter in your profile photo. The peanut butter aversion is her attempt to be polite. LOL

    Heh. He does love the peanut butter.

    She hates dogs too which automatically makes me suspicious.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    A couple we are friends with are picky eaters. We actually just went to dinner with them last night. He ordered a cheeseburger, plain. No condiments or toppings. She ordered a steak salad with nothing but steak lettuce and fries. Both ordered their meat well done. Neither is a good cook and I think that plays into it. Every once in a while I like to mess with them and order things that I know will just weird them out like sushi or calamari...
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    Hmmm I get called a picky eater but I do try to eat new things and I am a great cook. We eat out at restaurants a lot and my friends freak out thinking about the things I won't eat, but I tend to be happy as long as there is something on the menu I do like.

    I grew up in a vegetarian house but eat chicken. It drives my friends mad that I won't eat other meats but I don't see any need to. I'm squeamish about meat if it sounds like the animal it is... eg lamb reminds me of baby lambs. I don't like the idea of pork, and unfortunately so many dishes come with some kind of pork in it that cuts out a lot of food for me.

    The worst thing for me (and my 2 sisters) is that we hate mushrooms and aubergines, which tends to be most restaurants' idea of a vegetarian option.

    A couple of years ago I made a real effort to try things if I couldn't explain why I didn't like them, like goats cheese, as it happened I didn't end up feeling like I'd been missing out an anything so never really became a fan.

    I would never ram my food dislikes down anyone elses throats, and feel embarrassed about them mostly, so certainly not proud! When I met my bf I warned him people said I was a picky eater and he actually thinks I'm not at all, I guess it's all about managing expectations!

    Edit: I should add the thing I'm fussiest about is that I won't eat fast food (all I smell is chemicals), fizzy drinks or chocolate. That's been since I was about 10. And that I am definitely not embarrassed about.
  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    I would consider myself a picky eater, although I'm always willing to at least try something unless it has an ingredient that I just plain don't care for, i.e., coconut, which I've never cared for, or extremely spicy, which actually HURTS my mouth and lips. I make sure I don't insult someone else if they like a food that I don't, but I find it just as rude to insult someone because they don't like a food. I am slowly expanding my food selection (I have a very patient husband who actually is a wonderful cook, and I am not). As long as someone is willing to try foods, they should not be criticized. Food is personal, and being judgmental about it is not productive from either side.
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    I honestly don't understand people who would refuse to eat something they don't like in absolutely all circumstances. There are a few things I can't stand and I would never cook or order them and if someone invites me to dinner I'll let them know beforehand but if I'm served something I don't like I choke it down. For this reason I ate solidified duck blood (in China) because a friend's mum served it to me. I just think its rude and ungrateful to not eat something that someone has prepared especially for you. Maybe that's just the way I was raised (to eat whatever was on my plate whether I liked it or not), though!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I have zero tolerance for picky eaters. I would have never stayed with my husband while we were dating if I found out he was picky. To me, it seems ungrateful and close-minded. Over the years I've had numerous foster kids that were "picky" but in actuality they just came from a processed food lifestyle and didn't KNOW to enjoy other foods. Until I introduced them to new and tasty things.

    My 4 year old boys are not picky, and will try anything once...usually surprised by what they like!

    My husband and I are able to eat for very low budget because we eat wild game of all varieties (please don't blow up my inbox or blast me here...) and are able to make creative, low cost, healthy meals.

    I'm so GRATEFUL to have food on my table every day, and I would never have the audacity to refuse food offered at someone else's table.

    I've been able to experience foods and traditions from all over the world because I kept an open mind.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have a friend that is picky and proud of it. I tell her she has "I am a special snowflake syndrome".
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I used to be VERY fussy. I just wouldn't try new things in case I didn't like them, lol. My list of "don't like" food is much smaller now;

    Raw onion

    Think that's it. And then there are mushy peas. I love peas, but have never and probably never will try mushy peas purely cos they look like green lumpy sick. *pulls face*
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I used to be VERY fussy. I just wouldn't try new things in case I didn't like them, lol. My list of "don't like" food is much smaller now;

    Raw onion

    Think that's it. And then there are mushy peas. I love peas, but have never and probably never will try mushy peas purely cos they look like green lumpy sick. *pulls face*

    ^ The other foods I dislike I have actually tried though. I put onions in my cooked food, but couldn't have it in a sandwich or salad because it's too strong.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    This is me, unfortunately. I am such a picky eater. And my response to many many things is "I don't like that" even knowing full well that I've never even put it into my mouth. My mom was one that would make me a separate supper when I was a child when she made something that she didn't think I would like. I hate that I am like this, but there's not really much I can do about it. Think of one food that you just really can't stand. Think of being told you have to eat it, the thought of putting it in your mouth repulses you right? That's how all these foods seem to me. Now that I'm a little older, I will TRY new things now and then, things that I never would have tried before, but I typically don't like them.

    I am trying to end the cycle with my children, they eat what I make, or they don't eat at all. Being a picky eater is no fun, especially when you are trying to eat healthy.

    I call BS, sorry. There are no foods I detest. Why? Because I try them in many different forms and usually find a way I like them prepared. I didn't like shrimp for almost 20 years, but recently I made a decision I would find a way to like them. So I started to try them different ways, and guess what, after some time, I started to actually enjoy them. Unless there is an actual dietary/medical/ethical reason to not eat something, I don't buy the "I don't like that" excuse. There is something you can do about it. Seriously, who likes the taste of most alcohol when they first try it?

    But...but...shrimp doesn't make me hit on questionable women, and make a total *kitten* of myself in public, so it's different. ;)

    That being said, I am definitely in the 'indiscriminate' eater category. I'll eat damn near anything, so long as it fits my macro profile, and sometimes when it doesn't.

    Pretty much the same here. My one absolute DO NOT WANT food is liquorice. That *kitten* tastes like sadness.
    There a few foods I'm not a fan of, a few I am neither here nor there about, but aside from the aforementioned evil liquorice, there isn't anything that I absolutely will not even taste

    OH I don't like liquorice either!
  • ohtobe140
    I am a super picky eater at home in my space, but if I am out with friends, I love trying new things. I do not love at all, having new foods in my house though, it makes me feel nervous for lack of a better word. I love knowing that what I have at home is something I will eat, know how to prepare and there are no surprises. It's kind of a weird picky. But if I am going to pay someone else to prepare it and deal with the clean up I am all for new culinary adventures.
  • mapnerd2005
    I thought I was a picky eater until I read some of the responses to this thread! I have texture issues, which are actually quite common. Certain foods make me gag - ham being one of them. As I prefer to eat food and not vomit at the table, I politely decline when offered ham. I am willing to try new foods, though, as long as they don't mix together on my plate :)
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member

    His parents coddled them all growing up - going out of their way to either prepare or visit separate restaurants for each of them. And even now, with all three children well into their 30's, will STILL do so, spending extra money and gas on keeping their kids from throwing temper tantrums.

    Poverty is slowly teaching my BF about the virtues of eating what's on the table - but it is still a truly aggravating thing to deal with.

    I always guessed this was the most likely cause of unreasonably picky eaters. My parents had a rule- you didn't have to clean your plate, but you had to TRY everything. That's how you get a 4 year old who loves tabouli ;)

    This is the rule in my house as well, and I'm happy to say, it's yielding results with my kids.

    Rule in my house also. Boy has to try everything on his plate.

    2 things he won't eat 1) raw tomatoes, they make him gag and 2) ketchup (personally I'm glad to have a kid that won't eat ketchup with everything)

    Yields that my 5 year old snarfed through Lentil loaf, red pepper hummus, mashed cauliflower, and raw veggies at a vegetarian restaurant last night.

    Props to you that have the patience to deal with picky eater SOs in your life. I would not have been able to date, let alone marry, a picky eater.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I hate picky eaters!!! It is a huge issue for me. My brother will literally only eat sweets or chicken. Thats about it. My sister wont eat anything not fried unless its cake. My mom is the same way. They will not even try anything else. I cant figure out where I came from because there are only 2 things I dont like ( that i know about) and thats corn and oatmeal thats not in a bar or cookie or something oh and bologna ick. Thats it.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member

    Pretty much the same here. My one absolute DO NOT WANT food is liquorice. That *kitten* tastes like sadness.
    There a few foods I'm not a fan of, a few I am neither here nor there about, but aside from the aforementioned evil liquorice, there isn't anything that I absolutely will not even taste
    OH I don't like liquorice either!

    Liking or not liking black licorice flavor is a genetic trait, kind of like the cilantro taste issue.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    This is me, unfortunately. I am such a picky eater. And my response to many many things is "I don't like that" even knowing full well that I've never even put it into my mouth. My mom was one that would make me a separate supper when I was a child when she made something that she didn't think I would like. I hate that I am like this, but there's not really much I can do about it. Think of one food that you just really can't stand. Think of being told you have to eat it, the thought of putting it in your mouth repulses you right? That's how all these foods seem to me. Now that I'm a little older, I will TRY new things now and then, things that I never would have tried before, but I typically don't like them.

    i'm like this i wont eat antthing sea food or fresh fish but i love tuna fish from the can. and theres so many fruits and veg i haven't tried i'm just not interested in them but number one is yogurt the smell is just rank i would rather smell a skunk then put that near my lips. i'm not as bad as some of the people you all described before me. i have been like this my whole life. i will try new veg or fruits in baby steps but i'm not going to be pushed into eating it.i don't get why all the hate towards picky eaters yes its a pain to put up with but those anround me the most already now and except me for me. and i'm not rude or proude of this
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    My ex-husband was picky as hell - to the point that I frequently either made a dinner that I did not want or I made two separate dinners. I won't say that I left him because of it, but that sure didn't doing him any favors when the time came.

    I cannot tolerate that kind of childish behavior in adults.

    My best friend is picky. I don't eat with her anymore.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yeah. Me. I don't like vegetables, sauces/creams that people tend to cook with, so when we have potlucks at work, I never eat anything because I know that I won't like it. As far as the sauce thing is concerned, the only thing that I can tolerate is mustard and ketchup, and I'm still picky about that. I don't like the smell of either of them, but I love extra mustard on my burgers. For my fries, I eat ketchup, but I try not to put the ketchup on my tongue because I don't like the flavor THAT much. I know, it's weird.

    I'm not trying to pick on you, but it's statements like 'I don't like vegetables' that I don't understand. I find it impossible that you could have tried all vegetables, cooked in all styles and concluded that you don't like any of them. Could you explain this further?

    I'm pretty sure that I haven't tried all vegetables, just the basics that you'd find on a burger or salad, and I don't like them. They just don't taste good. When I was younger, I tried other vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, again, basic stuff. I just don't like it. I can tolerate a few things, like spinach and corn, but not enough to say, "Hey, I'm gonna eat some spinach or corn." I love potatoes, though. :laugh: If you think that there's some type of vegetables that you think I'd like, I'd LOVE to know. I wish that I could eat vegetables. I would certainly eat less of other food groups if I could manage to actually spend some of my meal eating and enjoying vegetables....I tried to make myself eat a salad from McDonald's yesterday and it just wasn't good. I even ate it with a little cheese and grilled chicken, but it felt forced.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    My ex-husband was picky as hell - to the point that I frequently either made a dinner that I did not want or I made two separate dinners. I won't say that I left him because of it, but that sure didn't doing him any favors when the time came.

    I cannot tolerate that kind of childish behavior in adults.

    My best friend is picky. I don't eat with her anymore.

    My mom used to do that for me. She'd cook my food separate so that I wouldn't have to eat the veggies. Not all meals, just the ones that had things like onions, bell peppers, and other vegetables. Looking back, I wish that she hadn't done that so that I would be able to eat them now.