Question about starting again

I have been away awhile and need to start again. I lost 30 lbs on Nutrisystem then gained some back after going off of it and starting to sew and not getting do I re-set my ticker. It still says how much I have lost from last visit and I need to set it back to zero.....thanks!!!! Wish me luck!


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    When you click weigh-in, there is a button at the bottom to edit previous entries.

    Go to your starting weight and you can change it to your current weight. Your ticker will now say zero lost.
  • CharleneM
    CharleneM Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you so much....I used to breathe this site and have been away a long time so have forgotten a lot. Back on track now though...Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!! And---THANKS AGAIN! Good luck on YOUR weight loss!