Ugh, Curves Gym: Opinions... longish explination inside



  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    I have known people who get a lot out of Curves. I've always refused to have a membership there because, for all their pseudo-feminist "women's empowerment" rhetoric, they donate to a lot of very anti-woman causes: organizations that try to block access to reproductive health care, for example. Each location is different based on the owners, but given my part of the country they tend to be run by pretty conservative Christians, and that's not my bag. (That said, if you are looking for a place to work out that supports conservative Christian values, your local Curves may be for you.)

    I just had a huge problem with the way they promoted themselves as so supportive of women and then took the money women paid them, and paid it to organizations who disrespect women and our needs.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I have known people who get a lot out of Curves. I've always refused to have a membership there because, for all their pseudo-feminist "women's empowerment" rhetoric, they donate to a lot of very anti-woman causes: organizations that try to block access to reproductive health care, for example. Each location is different based on the owners, but given my part of the country they tend to be run by pretty conservative Christians, and that's not my bag. (That said, if you are looking for a place to work out that supports conservative Christian values, your local Curves may be for you.)

    I just had a huge problem with the way they promoted themselves as so supportive of women and then took the money women paid them, and paid it to organizations who disrespect women and our needs.

    Crap, forgot about that (& didn't know about their machines). I reneg my partial, qualified support for that idea altogether.
  • justme6060
    Hate it, boring.. wld rather exercise at home, heaps of good stuff on utube to use
  • SneakyNeiky
    i use cuvres gym, and i love it :)
    its so different to other gyms, ive been using cuvres for 4 months now and have lost 8 kgs :)
    thing thing i really love about curves is the amount of calories you burn its amazing

    you should go in and talk to them, they normal have things like 30 days for free, just go give it a try and if you dont like it the dont go back :)
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I joined Curves a few weeks ago...and I HATE to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed with it. I think it's a great gym for women who are MORBIDLY obese or have never worked out before. I'm no work out wiz and I'm mad overweight (232 pounds) and the first few times I went, I got a good work out in. However, after going several times a week I realized that I'm getting less and less of a workout, no matter how hard I push myself. I think it's the lack of changing things up mixed with the fact that the women there are VERY chatty and it's hard to work out when people are asking you your life story.

    Now, I'm not complaining. I love making new friends but I'd rather have the level of respect that when people see me trying to work out and lose weight, they keep comments to themselves until the cool down. Also, I'm 20 and one of the youngest that goes to my gym. Apparently there are 14 year olds who are members...but I've never seen them. The next youngest woman there is 36. I don't care about the ages though, but you did bring it up so I thought I'd mention it.

    Lastly, if you're someone who gets bored easily, I would say this isn't the gym for you. It's on a circuit so you do the same machines in the same order for 2 rounds. I'm a creature of habit so I don't mind....I wish my Curves was a Curves Smart- I'd like it a lot more then.

    My honest opinion.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks Everyone.
    I will pass.
    I am not sure if the town has a rec center or not, I mean they have a community center.... but I'm not sure I can ask someone when we go up to the town and look harder.
    I think we will just pass and spend the money on home equipment. Boyfriend says he will spot me for me lifting, and help me with form.
    I wish I liked skiing, or snowboarding, or the cold for that matter. LOL.