HATE exercise



  • gilberts3
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I do this:


    And this


    I also play with the Wii, go for long walks with my man, and sail.

    I haven't lifted a weight in over a week, but I am as sore as if I had done a body sculpt class!
  • Stormchasegrl
    Stormchasegrl Posts: 61 Member
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do

    Then a lot of people are really good at pretending. I realize many need the complete positivity to keep going, but the enthusiasm and love poured out over exercise so often has me begging to differ. Which is why so many of us who just cannot feel that, feel like we're in the minority, I guess.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Nope. I actually love it and feel like crap when I don't.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do

    Then a lot of people are really good at pretending. I realize many need the complete positivity to keep going, but the enthusiasm and love poured out over exercise so often has me begging to differ. Which is why so many of us who just cannot feel that, feel like we're in the minority, I guess.

    Not pretending. Some of us really do love exercise. Some people even actually love running long distances, which I don't get but more power to them. Me, I love tossing around big pieces of iron, doing lots of push-ups, and sprinting.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    My "Exercise" of choice are six mile hikes with my husband on Saturdays and Sundays which I LOVE. Find something that you love that you don't have to classify as "Exercise"
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do

    Then a lot of people are really good at pretending. I realize many need the complete positivity to keep going, but the enthusiasm and love poured out over exercise so often has me begging to differ. Which is why so many of us who just cannot feel that, feel like we're in the minority, I guess.

    Nope. I do love to exercise. I love the way I feel after a good, hard workout. I love the way my body is transformed when I lift my weights. I love the feeling of accomplishment, that "YES!" feeling that I get when I'm done that lasts throughout the day.
  • shellbatronic
    Nope. I do love to exercise. I love the way I feel after a good, hard workout. I love the way my body is transformed when I lift my weights. I love the feeling of accomplishment, that "YES!" feeling that I get when I'm done that lasts throughout the day.

    Same here, and I never ever ever thought I would feel that way. I do think it's a matter of finding what you enjoy, and for a lot of people that can change or just take some time to find. Personally I find running to be a chore but I have to do it in order to compete in obstacle events, so I get it out of the way so I can do strength stuff, which is what I really enjoy. My friend lost 90 pounds and her main source of exercise was one of those Dance Dance Revolution arcade games, because it's the only thing she could do that she actually found fun. Whatever works, you know?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do

    Then a lot of people are really good at pretending. I realize many need the complete positivity to keep going, but the enthusiasm and love poured out over exercise so often has me begging to differ. Which is why so many of us who just cannot feel that, feel like we're in the minority, I guess.

    Not pretending. Some of us really do love exercise. Some people even actually love running long distances, which I don't get but more power to them. Me, I love tossing around big pieces of iron, doing lots of push-ups, and sprinting.

    Pretty much this. You just have to find that thing that you love within the world of physical activity. Granted, some people will never have something like that, and exercise will always feel like a chore. Chore or not, so long as it's done properly, the results will be the same. We just get the added bonus of being happy while doing it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't think anyone likes exercise but if you want to lose weight you have no choice just try to find some thing you like to do

    Then a lot of people are really good at pretending. I realize many need the complete positivity to keep going, but the enthusiasm and love poured out over exercise so often has me begging to differ. Which is why so many of us who just cannot feel that, feel like we're in the minority, I guess.

    Nope. I do love to exercise. I love the way I feel after a good, hard workout. I love the way my body is transformed when I lift my weights. I love the feeling of accomplishment, that "YES!" feeling that I get when I'm done that lasts throughout the day.
    Yep, I feel alive afterward, and during. And I enjoy actually using my body to interact with the physical world, especially if it's in some sort of competition against either someone else, the elements, or a scoreboard.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Me too!!! Loath and detest it!! Driving for a living doesn't help either About 10 years ago I discovered aikido, which is great for flexibility and can be as intense as you like. Also, contrary to popular belief it is particularly good for women because it works on balance rather than strength. The biggest boost to my exercise has been getting a puppy just before Christmas. Now I have fewer excuses, and a 3 mile walk is the norm!!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Me too!!! Loath and detest it!! Driving for a living doesn't help either About 10 years ago I discovered aikido, which is great for flexibility and can be as intense as you like. Also, contrary to popular belief it is particularly good for women because it works on balance rather than strength. The biggest boost to my exercise has been getting a puppy just before Christmas. Now I have fewer excuses, and a 3 mile walk is the norm!!
    Strength training is not just for men, it's good for women too.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    While I enjoy exercising very much, there are certain exercises that I loath. So I avoid them and do exercises that I like. I suggest you do the same
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    I like to have fun, so it doesn't seem so much like exercise. My two current favorites are Just Dance on the Wii and my Zumba class.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Or Nintendo Wii? Many look down on it but I think such things are fantastic.

    My wee boy has got a kinect, think he got some fitness games when it was purchased, will have a wee play around with them tomorrow and see how I feel with them :)

    Thanks for the advice guys :) Onwards and Upwards

    I have a wii fit & find it a fun way to burn calories. My favorite workout games are Golds Gym Cardio Boxing, Just Dance & the both fo the Biggest Loser games are fun. Even just the wii fit games burn calories, the hulahoop is really fun & the running one can be fun too. Anything that gets you moving will help.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Me too!!! Loath and detest it!! Driving for a living doesn't help either About 10 years ago I discovered aikido, which is great for flexibility and can be as intense as you like. Also, contrary to popular belief it is particularly good for women because it works on balance rather than strength. The biggest boost to my exercise has been getting a puppy just before Christmas. Now I have fewer excuses, and a 3 mile walk is the norm!!
    Strength training is not just for men, it's good for women too.

    I wasn't suggesting that strength training is exclusive to men - it's whatever floats your boat. What I was suggesting is that a lot of women are put off from something like Aikido because they find the thought of having to work with big blokes intimidating, and this needn't be so. I train with my 12 year old son, and when he gets the techniques right he can quite cheerfully throw me around the mat. Like strength training, Aikido is a sport for all.