Need to lose 218 pounds!

Hi. My name is Kris. I am 418 pounds and in a wheelchair. I am 51 years old. I had a massive heart attack in 2006 and since then I have put on weight left & right. The meds they give you after a heart attack like mine basically turn you into a vegetable and no motivation to exercise or anything.
Well I hit 418 pounds and decided I have to do something right NOW or I'm not going to be around much longer! I started an 800 calorie diet a week ago and have lost 10.8 pounds so far. It's going to be a long hard road, but with support. I know I can do it.

Anyway. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi! :smile:

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Kris. I just wanted to reach out and encourage you. I'm hoping that with 800 calorie/day you are doing this under doctor's supervision. On another note: welcome to the MFP party!
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Hello! Well done for taking the biggest step i.e. starting this journey. I was sent this today and it has motivated me so I hope it helps. Good luck! :-)
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Hi! Congratulations on your weight loss! I do understand it feeling like such a huge task when you start but before you know it you'll be there! All the best! Feel free to friend!!
  • photomankris
    photomankris Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all. Yes I am under my doctors supervision. She has me on Phentermine to help me. So she is monitoring me closely.