7 day detox

I am a firm believer in a "lifestyle diet." I eat with balance in mind, indulging in treats everyday and eating with health and wellness in mind. I dont cut out things but eat what I want in reason and moderation because that's how I plan on eating for the rest of my life. I think "diets" are kind of silly because restricting often leads to bingeing and rough transitions into "normal life" after hitting your goal weight. But at the same time, I decided this week I want to go on a 7 day detox, cutting out bread and sugar. This will be really hard for me because I absolutely love all those things but I think a week with out them will give my body a good kickstart into losing those "hard to beat" pounds!

I'm asking you to join me simply because I need support and would love some thoughts, comments, and advice from those willing to do it with me!

The 7 day "diet" starts tomorrow (after we've gobbled up some yummy super bowl treats) and ends the next monday!
The "rules"(but don't worry, you can never get kicked off for breaking them, this is all about trying!) are:
- No breads (this is pretty self explanatory, though I will be eating oatmeal)
- No sweets (this is breaking my heart but I need a break from chocolate, its my kryptonite)

I will be updating my progress on here and hope you will do the same!

Happy eating, happy living friends!

- Abby