feel like im never gonna lose weight :(



  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    You should get in the mindset that weeks you lose weight on the scale are good. There will be many more ahead where you don't show any scale progress. Take your measurements and keep up the good work.
  • Copequeen
    Copequeen Posts: 34 Member
    I had same thought last year when I tried to loose weight. Worked out an hour every day for 2 months. At end I'd gained weight. I'd lost 17 inches overall but seeing the weight discouraged me and I literally gave up. Gained the inches back and some more pounds. Now I'm starting over and look back and say " 17 inches was great" and think I'm an idiot for stopping. Id made some progress and some is better then none or like me gaining more. Now I'm trying to do it right, food changes, hitting calorie intake,and exercise. I've spent a month trying to master the food part and have lost weight. Tomorrow I'm starting regular exercise again. Ill take what I can, cuz going backward even more sucked. Your doing great and will continue to.
  • Burrjess
    Burrjess Posts: 11 Member
    I'm basically going to say what everyone else has said. 3 pounds is great! Be excited, you got off the sofa and did something! You aren't that person who sits on the sofa watching T.V. or surfing the internet just dreaming about losing weight, you are the person DOING IT! Be happy, be proud, don't lose track of your end goal. Remember you're frustrated right now, but you'll be more frustrated if you give up.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    something i have found helpful on this journey - is changing my goal #. i don't know how much you have to lose - but try chipping away at it in different increments maybe?

    for example - lordy i would need to lose over 200lbs - but that NEVER happens (hasn't yet) - too intimidating.
    the 1st, and VERY 1ST time I change my mindset to say - i have only 17.5lbs to lose (i figure i would drop the odd # 1st, then chip away at it in 25lb increments)....soon as i said wow chick you only got 17.5lbs to lose.....
    what did i go and do? lose 10lbs almost the 1st month easy peasy lemon squeezy!

    maybe that'll help. looking at a smaller, less intimidating picture?

    even the tracker for mfp on my profile says only the 17.5 - and i can change it again when i reach that goal - just seems less intimidating that way to me :)
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    I echo what others have said...

    you averaged 1.5 lbs per week. that is great!

    You don't even need to work out that much, make sure you eat at a caloric deficit and the weight will go just takes time.