Completely off topic from Diets - Stress

Hi all

I'm posting something completely off topic to the diet but find the people on here so friendly and welcoming I was wondering if anyone suffers the same as me. I suffer really bad eczema and have done since I was a kid but it had cleared up the past 5 years. Now my skin is just so shocking that most mornings, I wake up and cry. My family believe it is all stress related and it has been quite a tough few months, but I don't feel stressed in any other skin is just showing it in everyway. I can't seem to get on top of it at all.

I was just wondering if anyone else suffered similar skin problems on here and if they have any tricks that they use to help.

Sorry if its inappropriate of me to be posting about this

Thanks in advance :-)


  • cheermom614
    I suffer from the same thing and have since I was a kid too! I know how you feel in the mornings but remember it's always the worst in the morning (especially right after you shower). Eczema never completely goes away, it's just the number of flare ups that decrease. I had a flare up several years ago and the best advice I can give you is to go to your doctor. She can give you a prescription that should help clear it up. Make sure you moisturize your skin every day. Use lotions free of dyes and perfumes, they seem to work best.