pre-work out food?

I have got into a habit of trying to go for a jog first thing in the morning but on some days I feel very tired and run down afterwards and I assume its because I am not putting enough fuel into my body to work out.

Could you guys give me a variety of things I could eat that will give me energy but wont make me get stomach cramps



  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I love early morning gym work! I always munch a banana after I finish and that stave's off any hunger until I get to work and have a light breakfast. It's light on the stomach and gives your body a good boost.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Peanut butter on a cracker with a bottle of water that I sip slowly for about 20 minutes. It gives me just enough energy to complete my workout, then I eat a meal after my run.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    I can't eat anything solid closer to 1.5 hours from a run or I'll get those nasty side cramps.

    Since you run early morning, unless you feel like waking uo 2 hours earlier, I'd suggest you drink something, maybe a smoothie or a protein shake. Try to give at least 30 minutes between drinkable food and your run.
  • rbc_racing
    rbc_racing Posts: 31 Member
    I usually make a protein shake with 2 scoops of protein, chocolate milk and a banana, I add 1 scoop of maltodextrin also for the extra carbs on longer run days. I usually throw it in a blender and make a smoothie and have half as soon as I wake up and the other half as soon as I walk back in from the run. splitting it gives me fuel for the run and fuel to replinish what I use up during the run, total it comes up to 76 g of carbs and 55 g of protein and 600 cal with chocolate milk though. That might be a little much for you, but you can always use 1 scoop of protein the chocolate milk and 1 banana. It's not so filling that it bothers me on my runs either, I run 3-4 miles at a fairly fast pace in the mornings. The key is making sure to have it at least 30 min prior to the run so it can be digested and read for you body to convert it to the fuel needed during the run.

    It's important to have something in your system when you run in the morning because after a nights sleep your body has went for 6-8 hours without eating and it will be in a catabolic state. The simple carbs ingested prior to workout will replace the glycogen that was depleted from your system during your sleep.

    There is a lot of good info on the subject here
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Banana peanut butter smoothie made with soya milk and protein powder is what I use.
    Only a SMALL one or it'll fill you up too much.
    Make it night before have it on waking then get ready to go, gives it a little time for it to settle.
    I find this works for me.
    Gives you everything that your body needs too. :o)