Potato chips

I told my husband the other night I am doing the 30 day shred well he laughed at me. But thats okay I am going to prove that I can do it. Then we go to town and one of my biggest down falls are potato chips. If I have one I want a bag full. He puts 4 bags in the cart I am like I feel dumb going to the cash with this junk. Anyways they are hear in the house and I have not touched one. Every night he gets them out and says here just have a few I say no. Just as I am writting this he comes oput and opens a new bag and says do you want me to put some in a bowl for you. I say no, he like you are really sticking to what you said. THen he is like you are lossing I can see it and kinda laughs. To me he is making fun but thats okay it will make me a stronger person and he will see I can do it and I can look good for myself and anyone else that wants to tell me I look good. I told myself when I started this 30 day shred I will do it and so far I am. I also have my daughter for support as she is doing it along with me. Thank god I got her she is my rock when it comes to alot of things. Anywyas just want to say this and I would like replys on how any of you feel about this and if it would make you feel the way it makes me feel. Happy eating and keep doing your workouts whatever they are.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Your husband kinda sounds like a sadist.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Your husband kinda sounds like a sadist.

    No, he sounds like an *kitten*.
  • ixplodestuf
    Your husband sounds like a jerk who doesn't respect you. I'd feel like **** if someone who's supposed to love and support me spoke to me that way. Stick to your guns, kick butt doing the 30DS, and shut your husband up for good!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    he sounds like he needs a slap! :explode:

    on another note when im craving potato chips, I make them out of mountain bread

    1 mountain bread is 68 cals (the rice flour ones are anyway) cut it up with a pizza roller salt and pepper and sometimes a tiny bit of grated cheese ( about a tsp) and put them in the oven for a couple of mins and they are just as good if not better than chips!


    edit: ps don't let him get to you!
  • AliTomy
    AliTomy Posts: 15 Member
    Be proud of yourself for not giving in to temptation! That is amazing! My husband also eats all kinds of stuff in front of my that I cant have (and that i want!), but fortunately he doesn't offer...and I'm not sure I could say no if he did!! Keep up the good work!!
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    If my husband EVER did that to me I would say to him, "What is your issue with me losing weight? I want to be a healthier me. Not just for me, but for you, and for our children. What is really bothering you that you feel the need to attempt to sabotage my efforts in getting healthy? You need to be honest with yourself, and honest with me about this. If you are not going to be supportive, you need to think very hard about why that is. Becoming a healthier person is a GOOD thing. I will have more energy, more stamina, be in a better mood, and all of that is a positive to your life."

    My husband and I are on this journey together. Getting healthier for life. Here's the hard thing for me, he has 15 pounds to lose, I have 150+. He is my biggest champion. He roots for me, cheers me on, tells me I am doing great. Does nice things for me like calling me from work and telling me we are having pizza for dinner I need to plan my food intake around that because I deserve the one food I love. But it doesn't end there. We have our pizza, then we go for a walk after dinner. In the morning we go for a walk together and then we workout together. All just so I could have a treat for dinner.

    Tell your husband he can either help, or shut up. Ignore him if he can't shut up. Choose to listen to people who are supportive of you. Ignore those who just can't handle a happier healthier you.
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Sounds like your husband is a saboteur. Believe it or not, subconsciously he may not actually want you to lose weight. It is pretty common that while they might want you to look good, spouses are actually worried that if you look too good, you will leave them or become "too good" for them. It is really sad to see.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I love potato chips too....and i have found that "POP chips" are super crunchy and salty like regular potato chips. You should try them!
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Let me guess your hubby is a lard *kitten* and is afraid that your going to get into better shape than him or maybe even leave him. Its an a typical responce from someone who does not want to get in to shape. Keep fighting and pressing forward! He will get on board or get out of the way. Either way you need to tell him to stop it can be very corrosive on a relasionship.

    Hate to be blunt, good luck, and if you need a friend to motivate please by all means add me as a friend.
  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    I had a co-worker like that!!! He would wave food under my nose and taunt me. He would go make chocolate covered marshmallows and brong them out with an evil smile asking "you waaaaaaaant one? you know you dooooo" UGH I hated that. But he had nothing more to say once I lost 84 pounds and a size 2! (unfortunately after losing that job, surgery, etc I gained back 60...but this time i don't have jerks like him bugging me)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Your husband kinda sounds like a sadist.

    No, he sounds like an *kitten*.

    maybe doesn't want to acknowledge his own bad eating habits and if your his "partner in crime" then it's easier to dismiss them.
    If you succeed and he doesn't even try then he in his (subconcious) mind that's "his"character flaw.
    If he underminds you and you fail then it was just jousting at windmills anyway.


    he's got a remarkable metabolism and burns everything right off and can't not comprehend any of your challenges on any level.
    Doesn't understand the "one is worse than none". Only knows that food made you happy in the past and he likes to see you happy in this moment. And is not getting this whole long-term happy vs. short-term happy


    he's an *kitten*. And uses your weight issues to feel superior to you.

    if afraid you will be successful, get all hot and leave him for someone who is nice.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member


  • savbentley
    Take a sweet potato, slice it thin, toss in some EVOO and whatever spices you like, and bake 'em till they're crispy. :) It'll satisfy your craving!
  • jfarnden
    In the first week of weight loss plans all the junk food went to other people or in the bin. He can just Try and eat junk food.
    If you really crave potato chips maybe try buying the kids lunchbox ones? You can get a 20 pack of 19g packets. So you can restrict yourself to one every 2 days if you're being good, and turn them into a motivator. Or make your own like was suggested above. That sounds yummy.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    if afraid you will be successful, get all hot and leave him for someone who is nice.

    This what I was thinking. He has his own insecurities that come out in cruel & mean ways. Its his issue. Don't let it be yours. Stay strong!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    if afraid you will be successful, get all hot and leave him for someone who is nice.
    . He has his own insecurities that come out in cruel & mean ways. Its his issue. Don't let it be yours. Stay strong!

    this is what i was thinking!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Sounds like your husband is a saboteur. Believe it or not, subconsciously he may not actually want you to lose weight. It is pretty common that while they might want you to look good, spouses are actually worried that if you look too good, you will leave them or become "too good" for them. It is really sad to see.


    Tell him to work out with you.. you two can get all hot and skinny and healthy together.
    My guy says that to me "you're gonna get all skinny and good looking and end up leaving me for someone who is bettter looking" He decided he needed to work out at the gym with me. Problem solved and I don't hear that anymore.

    PS.. he sounds like an *kitten*.

    p.p.s. How to overcome potato chip craving

    put some salt on celery
    make homemade baked potato chips
    make kale chips and salt them