Anyone else having issues with meat?

Kaloufie Posts: 8
edited January 12 in Food and Nutrition
I was a fruitarian almost a year ago and was off all meat for around 4 months, when I went back on it and a normal diet chicken made me extremely ill. Sometimes for days. Im back on my fruitarian diet but doing a 60/40 plan. 60% fruit 40% everything else. I was also going to do meat 3 times a week. I was off meat for 2 days and tonight I went to eat some beef hot dogs (never had an issue with beef) and I couldnt even chew it, I got nauseous. Then my mother in law made a dish with sausage and again I got nauseous. I was wondering if anyone had a similar issue with meat giving some nausea after being off it. Any thoughts are welcomed.


  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member
    You're experiencing nausea before you begin eating it or afterward?

    If you're experiencing it before you eat, is it because of the smell? Or is it psychological?
  • I experienced the same thing after not eating meat for a while but it does go away.
  • A little of both but I know its not psychological. The hot dog im willing to just say thats a fluke cause I dont really care for them to begin with but after eating meat the nausea is weird.
  • AliTomy
    AliTomy Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not a real big fan of meat and sometimes certaing meats make me queasy aswell. I recommend starting with very small servings of lower fat meats. Hot dogs and sausages always upset my stamach - and the texture is a bit odd if you're not used to it. Try small servings of chicken, steak, or fish. Just a few bites at a time.

    Good luck!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I had a vegetarian friend who would get GI troubles when they tried to eat meat, especially red meat.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    It's my understanding that if you eliminate something for a significant time that your body will stop making the enzymes necessary to break it down. So you might need to supplement with some digestive enzymes as you add meat back in. Also, I would think that fish would be easier to add back in than going straight for chicken or hot dogs.
  • I just didnt expect 2 days to be enough to cause issues. And im staying away from chicken. Been attempting to reincorporate it back into my diet for about a year now and have issues each time. Thank you every one for commenting.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,388 Member
    Lack of the right kind of enzymes, which were suppressed from omission mostly, and of course the psychological aspect.
  • You don't HAVE to eat meat. I haven't had meat since I was 7 (13 years ago) and I have no problems going without it.
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