Let This be an Introduction to You

I'm Jessi, a mid-30's single mom who is attending college and making a lot of positive changes. I found my way here after joining a weight loss competition with members of my favorite forum, CollegeNet.com. A couple days into the 1st week, I realized that if I was going to compete, I may as well do it properly. So I Googled my way here, and find that I enjoy the community and love the databases. So here is where I plan to stay.

My weight on last Monday (when the competition began) was 285. I wasn't sure for a moment if I should be pleased or disgruntled that I'd somehow, without trying, managed to weigh more than I ever have. If only I could manage to hit the lowest weight of my adult life with so little effort! Alas, that is impossible for me.

My doctor had given me a fitness plan, and I decided to get back with the program. The program, as prescribed, is this: Eat 1200 calories daily - if I drink 1200 calories of Mt Dew, so be it. Though she did recommend lots of protein, veggies, and very little Mt Dew. I'm also to drink 2 liters of water daily. If I can exercise, that'd be good, but is not required. This is a 6-month plan, after which I am to re-evaluate.

So- my goal weight is 150.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You can do whatever you put your mind to. There are many, many success stories here. Maybe you're next!
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I am in the same boat with you cheering you on! I started January 6th at 305.8... Now I am 288.6! Change your diet how you can but don't push yourself too hard, that leads to the big binge. Here is how I went from eating a bag of chips a day, a box of crackers, and frozen foods, 6-7 Dr. Peppers, and a venti starbucks drink everyday to not.

    I picked on thing to focus on the first week. I chose fluids. I decided to see how long each day I could go without soda or coffee. I made it 15 minutes after waking before I had my Starbucks. But! I had a skinny iced hazelnut latte instead of not a skinny one. I didn't have any soda, and drank water the rest of the day. Score!

    I did that for 1 week. ! huge coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. The next week I found an alternative to coffee that is packed with energy and only 45 calories that I loved. Boom! Goal one done! I dropped fried food and fast food as well.

    In two weeks I lost 6 pounds. Then I started looking into foods I liked and how to make them healthier. I discovered I love whole grain pasta with a little olive oil and chicken. Poof, day one of week 3 was rockin! I added feta to my pasta and BOOM in love with dinner.

    I found a meal replacement shake for breakfast because I don't like to eat in the morning, but we all know we should. I found some protein bars that I LOVE, and all of a sudden the weight just said goodbye. I log everything that goes in my mouth.

    I am experimenting with foods I never liked before but somehow love now. Like mushrooms! Didn't know I liked those until yesterday! I love Japanese food! Didn't know that until yesterday either!
    Here is the secret to losing weight: Make better food and drink choices, get moving however you can, and watch your intake.

    Oh! And 1 more thing. Smile as often as possible! Force the good mood on yourself. See the positives in everything in your life. So what if you eat half a donut. You didn't eat the entire box! (I so would have done that 2 months ago)

    I ate butter for the first time in a month today. Guess what, it wasn't all that great. But, I planned on it, so I still have 500+ calories to eat today so that one bad choice doesn't even matter in this really journey I am on.

    I will row in the boat with you. I will cheer you on to keep rowing with me. I will pick up the ores and row for both of us when you get too tired. ALl because we all need support! We all need encouragement, and we can't all be 100% perfect all the time.
  • IamBorg
    IamBorg Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You can do whatever you put your mind to. There are many, many success stories here. Maybe you're next!

    Thank you! :happy:
  • IamBorg
    IamBorg Posts: 49 Member
    I am in the same boat with you cheering you on! I started January 6th at 305.8... Now I am 288.6! Change your diet how you can but don't push yourself too hard, that leads to the big binge. Here is how I went from eating a bag of chips a day, a box of crackers, and frozen foods, 6-7 Dr. Peppers, and a venti starbucks drink everyday to not.

    I appreciate your support, and am totally with you!

    We seem to have a similar method of getting started. I had a 2 liter-a-day Mt Dew habit until recently, and numerous other bad eating habits. At the beginning of the year, I started drinking more water. After a couple weeks, I was only drinking about 20oz Mt Dew each day. Now I'm down to a liter a week! I did start drinking more coffee, but homemade. Without the caffeine, I get migraines and I don't really feel any compulsion to completely give up caffeine.

    I also started going to the gym every morning with my sister at the beginning of the month. It only lasted a week since the membership price is out of my price range, but it was an excellent kick-start for exercise. Now I turn on my Wii Fit in the morning on days I'm not in school and it's easy to hop on for a few minutes when taking a study break.

    One frustrating thing was that while I was working out in the gym and drinking more water/less soda pop, I gained 20 lbs! There was a medical reason, and the cause is now corrected, but that was disheartening to be making positive changes yet end up gaining such a large amount.

    Anyway, I totally agree with making gradual changes. Being here, counting calories... that's just my next step :)