Hi there!

Just a quick hello, I am looking for new friends to help support each other along this journey. Does anyone drink certain shakes or take certain supplements to boost their energy and to aid in losing weight? I am new at this, so far only tracking what I eat and it has made a huge impact already, the food I consumed before I started documenting was crazy! Welcoming friend requests! Nicki


  • bassetthound09
    bassetthound09 Posts: 10 Member
    I am taking green tea tabs, Omega 3, probiotics, glucosamine, and a multi-vitamin. I am not sure if they help. My energy has been boosted by my exercise routine. I too was amazed by what I was eating.
  • Hi!!! Welcome to MFP!
    I take a womens multi vitamin, fish oil, flax seed, and CoQ10. Oh and Vitamin C. I think that, along with the changes I've made with food and excercise, contribute to my energy level. It is amazing what a difference tracking does!
    Friend request sent!
  • Hello Nicki, my name's Bethany! Welcome to MFP!!! I'm also quite new to this, starting only a week ago.
    I currently take a multivitamin with iron tablet with my breakfast, co-enzyme q10 with my lunch and a zinc tablet with my dinner. I am also drinking a honey and cinnamon tea morning and evening.
    Good luck with your journey, never lose hope because you can do it!
    Friend request sent :) x

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