hi all

Hi all,
found this website from my itouch app store 10 days ago, wanna give a try in counting the calories... after having my son three years ago, the extra pound packed on during my pregnancy just wasnot come off that easily. Plus, between the job and the little kid, barely have time to exercise... I did when I could, but the weight seemed plateued... I am a scientific person, so i know the calorie intake and output plays a major role, was not tracking my intake at all... after I signed up with MFP, started being concious about how much I put in and exercised out, think i am on the right track... hopefully, will be achieving my goal... i have done it before think I can do it again... Hope everyone will get his/her goal...good luck!


  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    HI there and welcome. This is a great place to help with weight loss