Hello :-)

Hi everyone,

My name is Danielle and I am a university student. I downloaded this app when I started dieting 4 weeks ago after handing in my MSci dissertation. As a student with a lot of deadlines I find myself grabbing unhealthy food that is convenient and I guess comforting at stressful times and I want to get myself out of the habit by being more conscientious about what I am eatting. I have so far lost 8.5 pounds (11.5 to go) which I am really pleased with, but have found it much harder to lose the weight over the past week, having even put on a pound despite not eatting really any different to how I have been. So I thought I was time I joined the community to help gain so encouragement and listen to other peoples stories to help keep me motivated.

Good luck everyone and I hope we can help each other :-)