Struggling to lose weight despite being good!

Hi everyone,

Over the last week I have generally been very good, keeping to my calorie targets, but after a good first 3 weeks I am now starting to really struggle to lose weight, I even have put on a pound over the last few days and I am not sure why. I am just wondering if anyone else has been in the same position and how you managed to not lose motivation?




  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear; the important thing is that you are losing weight over time.

    All sorts of things can cause the scale to show a higher weight, even though you don't have more body fat. These include:
    1. Starting a new exercise regime or greatly increasing exercise intensity
    2. Eating a meal that is high in sodium
    3. Not having pooped in a while
    4. Menstruation

    In other words, don't be discouraged by scale fluctuations.
  • jilbay
    jilbay Posts: 3 Member
    Went thru the same thing. Lost 3 lbs right away then 11 days of being good with no weight loss, or lose & gain. Was so frustrated before I finally started losing again. Lots of motivation stories to read on this site and their stories helped me. It will come off. If you hang in there you'll be rewarded. Good Luck on your journey!
  • Very same thing happened to me this week. I put in tons of time in the gym and increased my cardio time X3, even go so far as to hit my 120 minute cardio goal on Saturday, but no luck. I gained a pound this week, too. It's completely discouraging, even decided to cheat yesterday and today as a result. But it's back to work tomorrow for me. I guess you just have to be more stubborn than the fat your trying to get rid of.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    It would be much easier to give you advice if your diary was open.

  • Thanks for the encouragement. I have now made my diary public. I know weight loss isnt always linear but it can get so frustrating when you have been good and you dont get any reward. I am going to get back on the diet a bit more now and keep motivated and hopefully in another week I will start to see the result. It was just so frustrating as I was almost halfway feeling really encouraged, then it started going wrong which was so annoying.

    Any more advice or comments are greatly appreciated!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear; the important thing is that you are losing weight over time.

    All sorts of things can cause the scale to show a higher weight, even though you don't have more body fat. These include:
    1. Starting a new exercise regime or greatly increasing exercise intensity
    2. Eating a meal that is high in sodium
    3. Not having pooped in a while
    4. Menstruation

    In other words, don't be discouraged by scale fluctuations.

    This. Try weighing less often. The scale is very fickle and will go up and down for many reasons ( like the ones listed). I weigh every 10 weeks. I take pictures the first of every month and I measure every month. The scale is the one number people will never see. Hang in there.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Menstruation? Exercise? (I always weight a little bit more after a day at the gym) Weight fluctuates constantly. Heck, if I can't go #2 on schedule it's wonky. Try weighing just once a week if you're not already.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    I know weight loss isnt always linear but it can get so frustrating when you have been good and you dont get any reward. I am going to get back on the diet a bit more now and keep motivated and hopefully in another week I will start to see the result. It was just so frustrating as I was almost halfway feeling really encouraged, then it started going wrong which was so annoying.

    this may seem like it's irrelevant to your question, but to me it is essential:

    I see you have used the word "good" to describe following a food plan, and the word "reward" to describe weight loss.

    from this, it may lead to calling yourself "bad" anytime you are less than perfect, and viewing any weight gain or plateau as a "punishment"

    language is powerful, it shapes how we view ourselves.
    trust the process.
    you feelings are understandable, but KNOW that if you continue to stay within cals, move your body, and love yourself, you WILL move toward that healthy weight.
    speed is not the wanna win the WAR, not just the BATTLE, right?

    start a journal of feelings. give an outlet for this anger at the scale. it's perfectly normal.

    but remember: your "reward" is not just weight loss. it is the gift you give yourself by eating well and being well, just for today.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear; the important thing is that you are losing weight over time.

    All sorts of things can cause the scale to show a higher weight, even though you don't have more body fat. These include:
    1. Starting a new exercise regime or greatly increasing exercise intensity
    2. Eating a meal that is high in sodium
    3. Not having pooped in a while
    4. Menstruation

    In other words, don't be discouraged by scale fluctuations.

    ^^Agree wholeheartedly. Even when I'm at my "normal" or "happy" weight, it can fluctuate a couple lbs down or up. It's normal. Just keep going.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Ok I looked through your diary. I'd say your under eating. This clearly worked for you for a while but your body isn't going to be happy about only getting 400-700 calories some days. (one day 400 calories was a cookie, chocolate bar and crisps nothing else)

    There's no salad, vegetables or a little fruit. Virtually everything is processed. Nothing fresh. The approach of just restricting calories buy eating this way was only ever going to work for a short period of time.

    This may all sound a little harsh but think it's best to be honest, seen as you did ask for advice.

    Your half way, and do not have lots of excess weight to lose. At this point 1lb is the maximum deficit suggested. The closet you get to goal the more you have to eat.

    I am not a eat more to lose more person, but you have to do something that is sustainable and healthy. If you want the rest of the weight off your going to have to be serious about changing your eating habits.

    Personally I'd try eating around 1500. Make that 40% carbs (max) 30% protein and 30% fat. I'd track sugar and stick to around 30g...Your certainly having a lot more than that. I also think you need to be tracking sodium and your prepackaged foods will be loaded with it.

    Settings track calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugars and sodium.

    Food tab... Goals... Change goals... Manual.

    You may have an initial gain as you've been eating so low calorie. Give the new plan 6 weeks and they assess it.

    To keep the carbs at 40% its easiest to just eat 1 portion of fruit per day, puts of salad and lots of veggies... Particularly green ones. The best fruits are pineapple, grapes, berries and melon.

    Eat plenty of lean meat and veggies, fish, Greek yogurt etc.

    The sugary breakfasts need to go and replace with Greek yogurt and berries or bacon and eggs on toast. You can still eat yummy food, but you are going to have to put some preparation in.

    Of Your under eating because you cannot bare the thought of eating a reasonable amount then please go see a doctor.

    Zara x
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I know weight loss isnt always linear but it can get so frustrating when you have been good and you dont get any reward. I am going to get back on the diet a bit more now and keep motivated and hopefully in another week I will start to see the result. It was just so frustrating as I was almost halfway feeling really encouraged, then it started going wrong which was so annoying.

    this may seem like it's irrelevant to your question, but to me it is essential:

    I see you have used the word "good" to describe following a food plan, and the word "reward" to describe weight loss.

    from this, it may lead to calling yourself "bad" anytime you are less than perfect, and viewing any weight gain or plateau as a "punishment"

    language is powerful, it shapes how we view ourselves.
    trust the process.
    you feelings are understandable, but KNOW that if you continue to stay within cals, move your body, and love yourself, you WILL move toward that healthy weight.
    speed is not the wanna win the WAR, not just the BATTLE, right?

    start a journal of feelings. give an outlet for this anger at the scale. it's perfectly normal.

    but remember: your "reward" is not just weight loss. it is the gift you give yourself by eating well and being well, just for today.

    This expresses my sentiments EXACTLY!!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What Zara said exactly. Eat, woman!
  • Firstly, in terms of the wording I used, it is hard to find the right words, but as much as you want to flower it up the ultimate reward to following a diet plan is weight loss so you can't really get past using those words. However, I appreciate what you are saying and I don't see it as just bad or a punishment if I put on weight.

    As for my diary, the day you mentioned about only having 400kcal I actually went out for a healthy dinner in Giraffe, where I had sushi rice, salmon, avocado and melon, I just found it difficult to know how to fill this out in my diary so I didnt enter it,

    As for eatting under, by the end of the day I try and increase my calorie count as I don't want to be stupid, but I generally find it hard as I am full and end up eatting junk food.

    Finally, I have found the sugar count particularly hard to stick to, it seems far to low for me as if I have two pieces of fruit I am over the sugar limit so I have been ignoring it. I know having sugar on my Wetabix is not good, but I have never eaten breakfast until I started this diet so needed something quick and easy (as I will never get up early to eat before uni) but is also something I can face eatting in the morning.

    Hope this helps explain my diary a little better.

    Ps my breakfast today was poor, and I know it, but was bit fed up. Hence why I joined the discussions this morning.
  • amrose1983
    amrose1983 Posts: 14 Member
    Nothing Like It! It Works!
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