pregnancy and MFP?

jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband and I are going to try for another baby. Has anyone used this site while pregnant? Even though I'm not at my pre preggo weight yet (130 I'm now 142), I think we still might start trying soon. Anyway, with Kayden I gained 50 pounds. I did have PIH and pre e so I did carry a ton of water weight. I lost 23 pounds 14 days after he was born! So this time around I really want to watch my diet and mainly my salt intake just in case. Has anyone used this for that? How many calories did you eat? Do you think it made your pregnancy healthier? Did it keep your weight gain down? Thanks! ;)


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Get in touch with TamTastic (I know that she reached her goal weight only to find out she was pregnant...and used MPF thoughout the entire pregnancy)...and I'm sure there are other pregnant women on here.
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    It is great that you want to watch, and I as well as everyone else on here will encourage you to do just that. HOWEVER, with pregnancy, I don't think you should take any of our advice about this, especially with your complicated medical history. You REALLY need to talk to your OB and possibly a nutritionist (which your OB can refer you to) to see what your diet should be. Go prepared with a printout of what MFP can track and ask them to break it down that way.

    Just remember that, of course, you will be healthier if you watch what you eat, but your goal is to gain weight during pregnancy, not lose it, just not TONS of weight!!! Good luck to you!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I think with pregnancy, you should be more concerned about just eating good, wholesome, healthy foods. Lots of greens and protein and omega-3s and whatnot. Portion control or counting calories might be difficult since you're feeding a baby along with yourself. I would definitely second speaking with your ob-gyn and/or a nutritionist.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    There is no reason you can't use MFP for what you said you wanted. Talk to your doctor about how much you should be eating a day then you can you MFP to track those calories/sodium, ect. I know if it were me it would help me to stay on track to my goal weight. Though don't forget to indulge at least a little bit. Good luck and Congratulations!
  • I just found out that I'm pregnant with my second child and I plan on using this site during my pregnancy. If anything it's crucial that I stay accountable and be as healthy as I can be. I also have a personal trainer and don't plan on giving up my exercise routine either. My doctor told me what my caloric intake should be, so I just customized my goals on MFP.

    Best of luck to you...and I kinda hope you do get pregnant, so I will have someone to relate with this time around. :)

  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I think it's a great idea. If I ever get pregnant again I will definitely use it. It's so important during pregnancy to eat healthy and sometimes it helps to see what you've eaten so you know what to improve and to make sure you are getting the important nutrients for pregnancy. With my last baby I didn't know about this site but I wrote everything on paper to make sure I was getting what I needed. I gained 31 pounds my whole pregnancy and lost it all in 3 months plus an extra 5 pounds within 6 months.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    When I was pregnant with Caia I had gestational diabetic and used this site to keep track of my calories and my carb and really helped me out a lot. I also worked closely with my DR. and nutritionist and they let me know how much i should be eating of each cal and carb. And while you are trying to get pregnant you can try to loss the rest of those pregnancy pounds this is a wonderful site and i know you will just love it hear. And have fun trying to get pregnant thats the fun part lol.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    It is great that you want to watch, and I as well as everyone else on here will encourage you to do just that. HOWEVER, with pregnancy, I don't think you should take any of our advice about this, especially with your complicated medical history. You REALLY need to talk to your OB and possibly a nutritionist (which your OB can refer you to) to see what your diet should be. Go prepared with a printout of what MFP can track and ask them to break it down that way.

    Just remember that, of course, you will be healthier if you watch what you eat, but your goal is to gain weight during pregnancy, not lose it, just not TONS of weight!!! Good luck to you!

    Thanks for the input. I'm really not looking for advice, just wanted others to share their story if they have used this site while pregnant. I have an appt with my OB to talk about some things because I'm high risk. I just wanted to see what others were doing. :wink:
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