A discourse on health and lifestyle



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to write this out Steve.

    I AM proud of the choices I make. That at 48 I went to my friends 50th Bday party and didn't cry (much:tongue: ) looking in the mirror. It was fun to say HEY you DID it! No regrets......."dang, wish I could wear that red dress but I didn't stick to the plan and still weigh 175 lbs!" :sad:

    Each day I make choices to eat better and exercise more. 2 years later and 36 pounds less, I feel wonderful!

    :drinker: Here's to you Banksy

    and you ain't lookin all that bad either lady! :wink:

    Thanks sweetims.........Felt good to feel good, ya know??
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, do you want to look back on your life and say, "WOW, I sure ate some great meals!"? Or would you rather look back and say "Man, look at that, I climbed that mountain." or "I was able to run a marathon when I was 45 years old."?

    I love this part. What a great way to think about our life and how we approach it.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thank Boss, I so needed this today. I went to my endo and found out I was hyperthyroid once again and it sent me for a loop. But I realize all the exercise and the healthy eating has done my body good. So today I am going to do what you said and revel in my accomplishments. I am healthier and in the words of Chalie Boy "I look fly and I look good".

    Now I will go walk off the double cheeseburger and fries I had.:laugh:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thank Boss, I so needed this today. I went to my endo and found out I was hyperthyroid once again and it sent me for a loop. But I realize all the exercise and the healthy eating has done my body good. So today I am going to do what you said and revel in my accomplishments. I am healthier and in the words of Chalie Boy "I look fly and I look good".

    Now I will go walk off the double cheeseburger and fries I had.:laugh:

    There ya go lady. That's what I'm talking bout. Well, maybe except for the double cheeseburger part :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, do you want to look back on your life and say, "WOW, I sure ate some great meals!"? Or would you rather look back and say "Man, look at that, I climbed that mountain." or "I was able to run a marathon when I was 45 years old."?

    I love this part. What a great way to think about our life and how we approach it.

    I used to say I could deprive myself of good food, or deprive myself of being thin. I am choosing food today.

    When I realized it was more than looks, it was my entire lifestyle that had slid into an abyss of fatty foods, sugars and lethargy...........THAT was when I changed it all.

    I have chicken wings......life isn't worth living without some fatty stuff.........difference today is I ate a HUGE salad and 2 (ok, maybe 3:blushing: ) chicken wings not 12!

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I didn't really have the time to post about this yesterday.

    For me, this is about lifestyle, part of it being forced on me because of my genetic background but more than anything, teaching my gorgeous daughters the importance of nutrition AND exercise. I do not over schedule my daughters in activity after activity, I do let them watch an extraordinary amount of television, they are enrolled in gymnastics and swimming, and when the television is off, they are asking me if they could use my treadmill! They watch me exercise everyday and try to follow along with me using my little 3 pound weights.
    I still have trouble teaching my 4 year old that it's okay to eat things that isn't smothered or dipped in chocolate :laugh: But at least the youngest loves her fruit and will eat just about any vegetable or legume we give her.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I didn't really have the time to post about this yesterday.

    For me, this is about lifestyle, part of it being forced on me because of my genetic background but more than anything, teaching my gorgeous daughters the importance of nutrition AND exercise. I do not over schedule my daughters in activity after activity, I do let them watch an extraordinary amount of television, they are enrolled in gymnastics and swimming, and when the television is off, they are asking me if they could use my treadmill! They watch me exercise everyday and try to follow along with me using my little 3 pound weights.
    I still have trouble teaching my 4 year old that it's okay to eat things that isn't smothered or dipped in chocolate :laugh: But at least the youngest loves her fruit and will eat just about any vegetable or legume we give her.

    Kids are awesome aren't they? I was a rollerblade instructor in college, and you'd be amazed at the difference in how kids learned as opposed to adults.

    We actually had well defined, completely different programs for kids and adults. For instance, when teaching a kid, you talked ever so breifly about it, then you demonstrated it once or twice, then had them try it.

    For adults for the same move, you talked about it for a long time, explained the concepts in detail, and how to progress, then showed them many times, always explaining as you show, then let them try it.

    And the kids, even with very little instruction, always learned it far faster than the adults.

    they are just sponges! I LOVE teaching kids stuff, it's so gratifying to see the knowledge just being sucked up and incorporated so fast.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    This is what you'd call a self bump. :tongue:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is what you'd call a self bump. :tongue:

    I am all ears........watcha got to say?? :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I didn't really have the time to post about this yesterday.

    For me, this is about lifestyle, part of it being forced on me because of my genetic background but more than anything, teaching my gorgeous daughters the importance of nutrition AND exercise. I do not over schedule my daughters in activity after activity, I do let them watch an extraordinary amount of television, they are enrolled in gymnastics and swimming, and when the television is off, they are asking me if they could use my treadmill! They watch me exercise everyday and try to follow along with me using my little 3 pound weights.
    I still have trouble teaching my 4 year old that it's okay to eat things that isn't smothered or dipped in chocolate :laugh: But at least the youngest loves her fruit and will eat just about any vegetable or legume we give her.

    Kids are awesome aren't they? I was a rollerblade instructor in college, and you'd be amazed at the difference in how kids learned as opposed to adults.

    We actually had well defined, completely different programs for kids and adults. For instance, when teaching a kid, you talked ever so breifly about it, then you demonstrated it once or twice, then had them try it.

    For adults for the same move, you talked about it for a long time, explained the concepts in detail, and how to progress, then showed them many times, always explaining as you show, then let them try it.

    And the kids, even with very little instruction, always learned it far faster than the adults.

    they are just sponges! I LOVE teaching kids stuff, it's so gratifying to see the knowledge just being sucked up and incorporated so fast.

    I thought of this in Daytona this weekend. There was a surf instructor 'dude' teaching a family how to surf. From youngest to oldest it became more difficult to get them to follow what he was saying.

    The 8 yr old literally stood on the board in the sand then ran for the water.....of course they brought him back, but still-no more instructions please, let me DO!