
was wondering if anyone uses it. I do know a couple of people who have and have lost weight using it by replacing one meal. it looks harmless but they are also "pushers" for it! It's all they talk about. I may try it but wondering has anyone else had it and how did they feel taking it?


  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Why use something that is overpriced and a gimmick? Just eat healthy and, if you need a meal replacement when you're too busy, grab a normal protein shake and a piece of fruit.
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    I have been using it for a while and I really like it. It has helped me with my weight loss in addition to the Les Mills Combat Program I am doing. I know it is expensive but I do recommend it. The ingredients speak for itself. I get a lot of my vitamins, nutrients, etc from drinking my daily shake. I hate vegetables and the shake takes care of that...
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    I like the GNC Total Lean Meal Replacement shakes. Much cheaper and taste better IMHO.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I used it for a while. My thoughts:

    -price is too high
    -almost as good as your average protein shake
    --not enough protein
    -price is too high
    -the nutrients are nice, but the "superfoods" it includes aren't present in the quantities that (where applicable) have been shown to be effective.
    -price is too high
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    two years ago when i was in my surgeons weight loss program i followed their diets which included shakes. I was losing weight on 1200 cal healthy eating but due to their training i did so to prove it works...n it does...but so does healthy eating. Learning their weight loss diets taught me alot...and today if i am in a need of a jump start in weight loss or in a hurry and somewhere i cannot cook or late in preparing something.... a shake is what i will have....
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I like it.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    I'd rather eat real food (or if I want liquid, a protein shake) because it actually tastes good and it's affordable. Oh, and the vitamin/nutrient/etc. amounts are readily available. Pretty sure I get more out of my prenatal vitamin than Shakeology has.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why use something that is overpriced and a gimmick? Just eat healthy and, if you need a meal replacement when you're too busy, grab a normal protein shake and a piece of fruit.

    ^Excellent advice.

    There is no "magic" in the shakes - they simply create a calorie deficit. You can do that with regular food.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Why use something that is overpriced and a gimmick? Just eat healthy and, if you need a meal replacement when you're too busy, grab a normal protein shake and a piece of fruit.

    ^Excellent advice.

    There is no "magic" in the shakes - they simply create a calorie deficit. You can do that with regular food.

    Yeah, yeah, I know...this is coming from a BB take this as you wish...but it's not a gimmick. You CAN use it for a meal replacement, but I use it is a post workout shake or a snack. I was a big skeptic for a long time...Mary Kay/Avon/Mona Vie...any stuff like that I steered clear from....but after seeing the BB headquarters and actually seeing the energy/pride/work they put into their products I checked it out. It (knock on wood) has kept me healthy this cold/flu season. It gets in a munch of foods/vitamins I would probably be lacking/keeps energy up/cravings low/ and has a good carb/protein balance for after a workout. It's expensive. That absolutely true. I really enjoy though..reap the benefits....and whether one thinks it's silly or overpriced...I get it..but it's not a gimmick. BB is the real deal and they really care about their products. Says the BB coach...I know...I know....
  • Jenibynes
    Jenibynes Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on Shakeology... but I'm not on Shakeo to sell anyone anything. I got on Shakeo for ME. I needed to be more fit and healthy and was really hitting a major deficit with my EAS and Premier Nutrition shakes. I had Weight loss surgery two years ago and I have a really hard time getting the right nutrients in because I'm limited on my carb intake. I was on 5 different bottles of supplements AND a protein shake. I'm happy to say that I'm getting the same things I got from my supplements in my shake now. So, I've cut out A CHUNK of money from my monthly spending and I know I'm getting everything I need. It doesn't add up to what I pay for Shakeo, but close and I FEEL better than I used to. So, for ME and ME ONLY, it's worth it. Everyone has to make up their own minds about what's right for them. I'm with the other BB person... I don't feel like it's a gimmick. For me, this works.
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    I refuse, REFUSE to buy snakeoil.

    Body By Vi
    IT Works
    MegaSuper Green Tea Acai Poopberry Smoothies with extra Fat Burner Awesome Sauce

    Snakeoil. The lot of it.
  • workijng2befit
    Thanks I was looking at that one too and thinking about it. do you recommend any flavor?
  • workijng2befit
    thanks for everyone's advice I appreciate it.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I refuse, REFUSE to buy snakeoil.

    Body By Vi
    IT Works
    MegaSuper Green Tea Acai Poopberry Smoothies with extra Fat Burner Awesome Sauce

    Snakeoil. The lot of it.
    Shakeology and Slimfast just can NOT be put in the same category. I've had two friends take the ingredients of Shakeology to their very SKEPTICAL nutritionists. Both were impressed and actually were interested in samples. Slimfast is sugary, grocery store crap with none of the health benefits. If people think Shakeology is over priced and not worth it to get it....but it is NOT in the same line as Shakeology. Get information first.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks I was looking at that one too and thinking about it. do you recommend any flavor?
    Hands down...chocolate. They just reformulated it and it's delicious.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I refuse, REFUSE to buy snakeoil.

    Body By Vi
    IT Works
    MegaSuper Green Tea Acai Poopberry Smoothies with extra Fat Burner Awesome Sauce

    Snakeoil. The lot of it.
    Shakeology and Slimfast just can NOT be put in the same category. I've had two friends take the ingredients of Shakeology to their very SKEPTICAL nutritionists. Both were impressed and actually were interested in samples. Slimfast is sugary, grocery store crap with none of the health benefits. If people think Shakeology is over priced and not worth it to get it....but it is NOT in the same line as Shakeology. Get information first.

    And the sales pitch begins . . .
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I refuse, REFUSE to buy snakeoil.

    Body By Vi
    IT Works
    MegaSuper Green Tea Acai Poopberry Smoothies with extra Fat Burner Awesome Sauce

    Snakeoil. The lot of it.

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I refuse, REFUSE to buy snakeoil.

    Body By Vi
    IT Works
    MegaSuper Green Tea Acai Poopberry Smoothies with extra Fat Burner Awesome Sauce

    Snakeoil. The lot of it.
    Shakeology and Slimfast just can NOT be put in the same category. I've had two friends take the ingredients of Shakeology to their very SKEPTICAL nutritionists. Both were impressed and actually were interested in samples. Slimfast is sugary, grocery store crap with none of the health benefits. If people think Shakeology is over priced and not worth it to get it....but it is NOT in the same line as Shakeology. Get information first.

    And the sales pitch begins . . .

    Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
    Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules

    Sun, she's been on my FL for a long time and is not a BB pusher (if she was, she wouldn't be on my FL). She found something that works for her. Personally I don't think that Shakeology is worth the price because you can get the same benefits for less from alternative products that taste better and don't cost as much. I think it's seriously lacking in protein for my needs, blah, blah, blah. However, no matter how you look at it you have to admit that Slim Fast is to Shakeology like lemonheads are to lemons.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I don't "replace" meals. The idea is psychologically dissatisfying.

    A salmon salad made with flax seed, a little fat free feta, some greek yogurt, maybe some capers or almonds....on a Joseph's pita. Toss on a huge handful of cilantro as a lettuce substitute, a slice of tomato, maybe eat it with an avocado....MMMMMMMMM.

    That's the way I like to get my vitamins.

    Lower calorie and more basic protein shakes are for supplementing, not replacing things that taste so much better and are far more satisfying.