Hello from NC!

cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So I originally started this site in October, fiddled around with it a bit for about a week or so. Now I am back and more determined than ever!

I guess my story is similar to many others. I was fairly thin in high school (130llbs or so at 5'6"), gained weight throughout college, I'd say topping out at 180llbs. The summer before my sophomore year was probably when I looked and felt my best. I worked out the whole summer, did strength training, was tan... I felt great about myself. I've been out if college for about five years and my weight has pretty much stayed around 185ish, but this past year I started dating someone new and somehow wound up peaking at 205 lbs. I don't know if it was his cooking, "happy" fat, my new birth control or what. I was never really pleased with my weight at 180, but an additional 20 lbs. has taken a tremendous toll of how I see myself. I hate the way I look naked, I hate the way I look in clothes.

As of last week my boyfriend and I have split up. It's been really hard on me emotionally because I truly felt that he was "the one." I have been exercising on and off since October, with large gaps off around the holidays, and then a week or two off here and there b/c of being sick, a car accident etc. When I was going, I would often skip a day b/c I was tired or feeling lazy. This break up has really motivated me. Though my now ex says that he thinks I'm beautiful, I think he could see my self esteem diminish as I gained weight and I think that it may have taken a toll on our relationship. I have really thrown myself into working out now that we are not together, and I really hope it sticks. Though I have a gym, I have recently taken a trial at my local YMCA, and hope to switch soon. My current gym only offers two classes and they start right when I get off work. Thursday I took kickboxing and sculpt at the Y, Saturday it was a hip-hop class! They have Zoomba, Pilates, Yoga, Belly Dancing etc. I just feel like if I'm having fun it will make this much easier. Plus, I can set an elliptical to 30 minutes and 20 minutes into it say "I'm tired, I'm going to stop." It takes a whole lot more to walk out on a class of people though. Saturday my cousin and I took advantage of our beautiful weather and hiked 5.5 miles. The uphill part killed me, but it felt so great doing it.

On top of a renewed determination to exercise, I have started watching what I eat. Something I've never really done before. I've stopped drinking soda (and even sweet tea) and begun looking at calories and portion sizes. A couple of times my calories for the day were around 800 and this site was saying that was too few and that it would affect my metabolism and would run the risk of starvation?

Last week I had a doctor prescribe phentermine (generic for adipex) for me. A friend had begun using it and said she has so much energy and it had really helped curb her appetite. I'm not sure how I feel about using it, kind of feels like cheating, but I do have more energy and don't feel jittery. My plan is to really use it as a kick-start, maybe for two months or so. Anyone have experience with this that they care to share? When I went t the doctor last Thursday, I weighed 199.6 lbs. When I weighed myself Monday I was 196.3 lbs. I'm trying not to have super high expectations so I don't get disappointed. In a perfect world, I'd like to be about 130ish. I think I would be happy with 150 though. What is a reasonable amount of time to set these goals? Other goals I have: be able to jog / run continuously for I don't know... 5 minutes.... without feeling like I'm going die. I'd like to be able to pull my legs up to my chest while resting on my arms (you know... that thing where you have your arms at a 90 degree angle against a padded surface with your legs dangling.. make sense?) Any suggestions on how to achieve these goals?

Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this. Best of luck in your own weight loss goals!


  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi NC! Where from, out of curiousity? I'm in just about the same weight frame and want to lose about the same as you... I'm in Ballantyne, a Southern neighborhood in Charlotte.

    As for your ex, breaking up is always hard to do, but let it do exactly what it's doing to you... MOTIVATE! I have always joked that, for me personally, I am at my skinniest during heartbreak. It's when I'm happy in a relationship that I gain weight. I have lost 20 lbs so far (the site only registers 7 because I didn't have a scale when I started, so I guessed... got a scale a few days later and discovered that I guessed 13 lbs too light. oy vey!!!), and I have done it through diet and exercise but it's been really hard!!

    Anyway, if you would like a friend, I am here! It's always nice to know someone is fighting just as hard as you are. Keep up the good work, you're worth it!
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks so much Christie! I'm from Sanford, which is about an hour south of Raleigh. You know, you can always update your ticker so it will show all 20 of those pounds lost. Just curious, how long has it taken you to lost that? Any particular exercise that you love?
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