
So for most of my life my stomach has had a bloated look and sticks out a lot. Despite losing weight all over my body my stomach seems to stay the same. I have been weight lifting since November but haven't seen an improvement.

There were a couple of times when I suffered from food poisoning and my stomach was almost flat (save a layer of fat) then when I ate something it popped out again! I have recently been diagnosed with IBS so I understand that eating certain foods can add to this but is there anything in particular I could do to help?


  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Maybe keep a diary and note when your belly looks most bloated after eating certain foods? I know bread, pasta and beer make me bloat really bad so I try to avoid them or have limited portions.
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I get terrible bloating from diet soda, any artificial sweeteners and sodium, if I stay away from those I am good...of course that's easier said then done :)
  • I don't fully understand sodium yet but I have added it to my diary to watch out although I think I blew it at the weekend!
  • bump
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not super familiar with IBS... I think I remember seeing something one time about bloating with IBS possibly being due to a gas buildup, so if you can reduce that it may help.

    Another thing that would help with looking bloated (not necessarily feeling bloated) would be to make sure you're getting enough protein... if you think of those little kids on commercials where they want you to donate money to feed them and ever wondered how starving children had such round bellies- it's from a lack of protein.

    But overall I think it may be a trial and error with food to see what's working and what's not... maybe talk to your doctor and see if there's a list of foods that possibly cause the bloating with IBS or not.

    I found these two links... maybe they'll help you out a bit :)
  • I'm not super familiar with IBS... I think I remember seeing something one time about bloating with IBS possibly being due to a gas buildup, so if you can reduce that it may help.

    Another thing that would help with looking bloated (not necessarily feeling bloated) would be to make sure you're getting enough protein... if you think of those little kids on commercials where they want you to donate money to feed them and ever wondered how starving children had such round bellies- it's from a lack of protein.

    But overall I think it may be a trial and error with food to see what's working and what's not... maybe talk to your doctor and see if there's a list of foods that possibly cause the bloating with IBS or not.

    I found these two links... maybe they'll help you out a bit :)

    Wow thanks a lot! I will look into my protein intake more now too :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I suffered from bloating when I was eating any sort of grains--bread, rice, flour, pasta, etc. Found out I have a gluten intolerance. I stopped eating all grains, replacing them with mostly leafy green veggies, and am feeling/looking much better.
  • I'm not super familiar with IBS... I think I remember seeing something one time about bloating with IBS possibly being due to a gas buildup, so if you can reduce that it may help.

    Another thing that would help with looking bloated (not necessarily feeling bloated) would be to make sure you're getting enough protein... if you think of those little kids on commercials where they want you to donate money to feed them and ever wondered how starving children had such round bellies- it's from a lack of protein.

    But overall I think it may be a trial and error with food to see what's working and what's not... maybe talk to your doctor and see if there's a list of foods that possibly cause the bloating with IBS or not.

    I found these two links... maybe they'll help you out a bit :)

    Interesting point about the children...I've noticed that but didnt know why.

    What is a good amount of protein to eat daily?
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I had the same problem even before children at my thinnest weight, my stomach was never flat. However I am noticing a big difference with my diet changes:

    Cut out all pop/soda/whatever you want to call it, even diet
    Cut down on bread, rice, etc.
    Increased protein
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I'm always trying to increase my protein and have manually set my macros on MFP to 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat... I try every day to hit those numbers although it's sometimes hard. I find bread, pasta, and white processed carbs in general make me bloat. Drink lots of water too.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I agree about increasing protein and cutting out bubbly drinks for myself. I also drink dandelion root tea and that has really helped me keep down water weight
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    I don't have IBS, but I have heard that taking Probiotics help. Because the bloating is due to the bacteria in your intestines.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I was taking Pearl probiotics for a while.. they " clean" you out evidently...however this didn't work for me.

    The only thing that helps me really, its tons of water and I drink about 3 cups of Chinese Oolong tea. I have noticed less bloating with that.. I try adn stay away from breads, that helps too.. as soon as I eat bread my whole stomach doubles, i swear.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    - posted twice by accident.
  • Thanks for all your help. I am going to cut down on fizzy drinks from now on. I done it for a few weeks before and felt better for it! With bread and pasta do you feel wholegrain is better or to cut down on all types?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I don't have IBS, but I have heard that taking Probiotics help. Because the bloating is due to the bacteria in your intestines.

    I agree with the above... take a protbiotic daily if you don't already. It has helped me quite a bit.

    Also, try to see if you have any intolerances. Get some tests run by a doctor if you can. If not, cut out something (like dairy, or wheat, or gluten) for a week or two and see if it gets better. If it doesn't, add that food back into your diet and than cut out something else. You may have a food intolerance that causes bloating. Make notes in your diary about how bad it is.

    If you drink alcohol could cause you to bloat. Eating a diet too high in fiber without drinking enough water can cause it. I have yet to see anything stating that lacking protein causes it but it may be due to how your body digests the protein you do eat.

    There is also medical conditions that can cause it besides IBS. If you try cutting out foods and get no where a trip to the doctor may be in order.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I too was just diagnoised with IBS add lactose intolerance and acid reflux to that. I am going through the learning phase. My doctor has me eating what I want and tracking my reactions. Higher sodium causes you to retain water and bloating. I have also discovered that acidic food (tomatoes and oranges for example) are really bad for me. Hubby made lasagna and today I look 9 months pregnant. My stomach is distended, hard, and very painful. I am reading the DASH for weight loss book. It is a low sodium, lower carb, low fat diet. This was recommened by my doctor and she told me to "Make it my own".

    I take Schiff daily probiotic for lactose intolerance. They also make one for IBS. I have not had any adverse effects from this and I am only taking the one for lactose intolerance.

    Good luck!