Here i am...

Options we go again. *sigh*
Here is the 5th time i have attempted to track my food and exercise, only to end it abruptly when i cant track a dish ive made at home ( a soup or stew). BUT...this time i will try...harder.
Im a nurse, and in my current job im doing more sitting than i used to. 10lbs up in one year! Doesn't help the TINY kitchen we eat our lunch in, the only table in there is forever littered with cookies, chocolate, cupcakes, pies, muffins, donuts, candy, chips, salsa....anything really! And i have to clear away a small 1ft section, set out my salad and newspaper, and eat my salad while starring at the ever enticing food. I have been better recently....MUCH better actually. But its the temptations! I also walk past this room about 50 times a day...i try to avert my eyes to what is calling my name on the table, but its not an easy task at times!
I live in New England and winters are brutal! I am much more of a running outside person than a get on the treadmill next to a bunch of stinky sweaty strangers. Getting to the gym is a TASK and a half. I haven't been but about a dozen times this winter, though with starting up myfitnesspal i will be getting there at least twice a week (my goal...and work up more).
I also do LOVE my red wine in the evening. Working on cutting back on that.
I always hear people talk about having a cheat day? Can i do that?
I also have a boyfriend who can eat chicken wings and drink beer all night and loose weight...and I on the other hand, eat like a bird throughout the day and gain a pound (talk about obnoxiously discouraging!) !

So hear we go.... LETS DO THIS! (this