from the 240's to the 180's... now to the 160's!

from the 240's to the 180's... seems to get easier and easier... now to the 160's!

everytime in the past that i started a weight loss plan, it just seemed so hopeless, like there was just way to much fat too ever be able to lose it. i basically felt like it was a never ending battle!!! thats why i always ended up giving up within a month into it! this time, this past september, when i weighed my highest, at 246, i knew that i had to do something, or it would just be a matter of time before i weighed in at 300, and then up even more from there. im 32 years old, im 5 foot 10, a full time student, wife, and mother to 5. i want to be healthy to live long for my family... on september 17th, at 246 pounds, i got back into weight loss mode, signed back up at la fitness, and fast forward to febuary, and im in the 180's!!! i cant tell you how good it feels!!! and it seems like after you get over that initial first couple months, and your body catches on to what you want it to do, it gets so much easier!!! i just want to encourage some of the new people who started at the begining of the year to stick with it, you will be so happy you did! im seeing people who were on fire 4 weeks ago, disapear from sight, not logging anymore, and its a shame! just stick with it, and stay determined, stay motivated... our goals are definately within reach!!!

my ultimate goal is 160, and im not going to give up!!! i wish the best for each and every one of you, for you to reach your goals, and be completely happy with yourselves!