Question for women regrading TOM

Happy Monday to all! And yes, I did search for this topic, but could not find anything that specifically answered my question.

I keep finding that woman say they GAIN during that TOM due to water weight, etc and that they skip weighing that week. Is that right? Or am I reading it wrong and it is the opposite and you falsely LOSE during TOM?

Here is your TMI for the day - I am at my TOM now and have been since Thursday. My last weigh-in was Tuesday the 29th of January and I was at 118. Then for the heck of it, I decided to weigh myself during TOM just to see how much it was fluctuating. I weighed at different times of the day, clothes on/clothes off and each time it was the same - 115.5. WTH? How did I all of the sudden lose 2.5lbs? Then this morning, which is approaching the tail end of "her" visit, I was back up to 117.5.

Anyone else experience this? I am trying not to focus on the scale so much and am more interested in seeing my belly getting smaller, but curiosty is a damn b&tch and I can't help myself!


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Everything I have found says that it can go either way. For me, I tend to retain water shortly before TOM but by the second or third day I've usually lost a few pounds and maintain that. Some people retain the water weight some people lose massive amounts of weight (increased metabolic activity).

    I only know what is normal for me.
  • Wow. I definitely gain a pound or two the week before my period and it's gone after everything gets going. Usually I eat more during my period (today's the first day--I have been snacking all day) but I never see it on the scale.

    You're lucky you lost. But 2.5 lbs is a natural fluctuation, TOM or not (I know people tend to go up and down by as much as 5 lbs in a day). I have definitely lost a good 4 lbs during the course of a day before. That's why I tend to only check my weight every Saturday morning before my run.
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    well my pill can mess me around alot, i have now been on for about a month...can this effect my weight?