feel like giving up!!!!!!

seriously feel like giving up on healthy eating and exercise alltogether!! im 28 years old, 5 foot 7 in and 12 stone 10 lbs ive been following slimming world diet and have been sticking to it religiously ive also been jogging and doing 30 day shred for 10 days so far and havnt lost a pound in over 3 weeks i feel so tired from exercising and cleaning, cooking and just being a slave to my family i just want to give up now, i might as well just eat!!!!! although i know this will make me feel like crap so i wont. Anyways maybe i wont do slimming world anymore as u can have quite a bit of carbs and maybe thats not working for my weight loss who knows...............sick of my life :(


  • AdrienneYocham
    AdrienneYocham Posts: 22 Member
    Don't give up! Make a change. Change up your food plan or exercise. I find that when I reach a block, just changing it up helps me. I have my settings at 1200 calories. I hit a block for about a month, so I switched it to 1500 and boom, started losing! Just keep trying until you find what works for you, but definitely do not quit! You're worth it. And if I can do it, anyone can do it!
  • trudi27
    trudi27 Posts: 17 Member
    thanks for the encouragement i wont give up im just feeling down and having a good old moan x
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Whenever, I am having a bad day, I just take a look at the saying below. It clears my mind and gets my butt back into gear. If you're feeling overwhelmed with exercising, than there is no problem with taking a day or two to relax and recharge. But don't give up. When you think about giving up, think about why you started. To be healthier for you? For you children? To be happy with what you see in the mirror? When you are feeling like quitting, write down the reasons why you began! It might help seeing it in black and white.

    Good luck!

  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    There is a good chance you may need to eat more! Are you getting enough protein? Forget the carbs, they are quick energy and should be minimized. Try eating some protein every two to three hours and of course lots of low carb high fiber veggies with your meals. It feels so counter intuitive to start eating more to lose weight but I constantly see people blogging on this site about how they increased their calories adn started losing weight. I have not weighed myself and am only two weeks in but I can feel my body changing for the better and my energy never dips like it used to when I was eating less to lose. ok I babbled enough.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Don't be afraid to have a moan when you're feeling down, no use bottling it all up :) I know you'll be okay, YOU are in control of your weight loss and you can do this!
  • Thanks for that quote Crazybookworm!
  • Don't you dare give up; you CAN do this!! :)
  • You sound like me!! I feel like that now!! I'm just seriously starting this, but I'm so tired of feeling like crap!!! I feel like a darn maid to my family!! NO help and really need this for ME!!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Do you know roughly how many calories you're eating per day?

    Sometimes muscles retain water when you increase exercise levels so it may be as simple as that. Give it some more time and maybe your body will readjust. :smile:
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I just Googled the plan you are using and it seems like a well-known program with good reviews. Since you aren't having success with it right now, maybe you are either eating too much or too little, but you can't tell since you don't track your calories. Plus you don't get daily support groups, which you can get here 24/7 :). If you log your food for a few days, you will be able to tell if either too much or too little is what is slowing you down.
    You are obviously working really hard and have great motivation and commitment, so you will certainly figure this out in no time!!:wink:

    "Slimming World claims that its Food Optimising diet lets you eat as much as you like, without having to count calories or constantly weigh or measure food. However, this lack of focus on weighing and measuring means that you are unlikely to learn about portion sizes and calories and could easily revert to your old ways of eating." http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/diet/slimming-world/review-diet.htm
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I know the feeling. I was on 1200 calories for 5 weeks and lost/regained the same 2-3 pounds in a seemingly never-ending cycle. So I bumped my calories up to 1320 and am trying to get more exercise into my day. I'll hit the right combination for fat loss one of these days, and so will you.