quick question

My TDEE is 1624 at desk job with little exercise
my HRM says I burned 721 calories
brings my total to 2345 do I really have to eat back all those calories ?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't ever eat exercise back. To each his own.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    Should be 1624 minus 20% is 1300 cals.
    Now add your 721 back on = 2021
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    burned it doing what? If your HRM says you burned it while sitting at your desk, then no.

    If your heart rate says you burned it while running/kickboxing/skiing/etc, then it'd be a good idea to eat some of that back.

    I was having trouble eating back my exercise calories, so I saw a nutritionist and she factored it in to my TDEE. Now I don't track my exercise calories, and I eat consistent meal sizes, it's easier for me to manage. But it means I can't skip training, and now that I'm ramping up for the spring race season, I have to go back and recalculate it.

    If you don't eat enough calories to fuel your workouts, you'll know it. Your weight will stagnate, or go up, you'll lose muscle definition, and your appetite will disappear. That's because your body thinks you're starving and has adjusted your hormones to protect your organs. But that doesn't mean you have to eat ALL your calories back. It's a blurry line, mess around and find where it lies for yourself.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    I always eat back some. I personally cannot eat less and exercise and have enough energy for the next workout.
  • snickelfritzzz
    :smile: Thanks everyone I think I will just add excercise to my TDEE and then play with the numbers a bit till I get it right
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I think go off how you feel.. If you're hungry, eat something sensible :)
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    Your TDEE is what your body needs to maintain your current weight. If you eat your TDEE back and what you burn during excercise, you will gain weight.
    You need to subtract 20% from your TDEE, then eat back your calories (or eat half back, that's what I do)
  • snickelfritzzz
    I was using this http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to figure out the numbers
    heres my stats
    5'7 209 lbs 38 I work out presently 6 days about an hr doing 30ds and 6 week abs 10 min cardio
    I try to eat 3 times a day healthy snacks if I'm hungry
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    ok as long as you eat back what you excercise from the "Daily calories based on goal in step 6" field, not "Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE)" numbers.

    BUT only if you selected "desk job". If you included your weekly workouts in that caluculation then it is already accounting for those extra calories needed to eat back.

    I calculate mine for desk job, then eat back all or half of my calories. Because then I have more control over my workouts, how hard I feel like working out any particular day and my schedule to workout changes as well.
    I aim to NET 1400 cals. I have a desk job and have minimal activity during the day. My BMR is 1300ish and I always make sure I at least eat that. I try to burn 200-300 cals per workout and eat most of that back.