how can I help my boyfriend?

I've made some progress on my weight loss journey and I've got much more to go. However, I've recently become coupled with a wonderful man. He's 6'2 and weighs over 300lbs. He doesn't eat healthy at all, and he smokes. I've suggested we have veggies with our meals but the only ones I've encountered that he likes is potatoes, rice, and any kind of bean. I on the other hand eat everything! His portions are huge, and he puts salt and cheese on almost everything. He also drink s a 20oz of coke at least twice a day. The only physical activity he gets is at work where he does maintenance. I'm so worried about his health. I'm also worried about how I'm to cook for the both of us if he will not eat veggies. He's claimed he's tried them, but because he was forced to eat them as a child he really doesn't like to eat them now. Here are a list of things he doesn't like.

sweet potatoes
green beans
lima beans
baked beans
any kind of greens, mustard's, etc

his diet mainly consists of beans, cheese, tomatoes, and rice. any advice is helpful,


  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Don't force him to change and make them for yourself.
  • livelaughlovecrazy
    livelaughlovecrazy Posts: 101 Member
    I understand big time on that guy is 5'11 and about 290.

    He hates anything that can be considered 'healthy' for the most part. Fortunately as he puts it 'When she's on a diet, I'm on a diet" haha. So my changes in food and exercise have helped a bit since there's no more soda, no more fatty frozen foods etc in the house anymore.

    Believe it or not -- I've got him to enjoy Zumba! and Kinect Sports on our XBOX. :) He's way to self-conscious to go to a gym so being able to work out in the comfort and privacy of our home is a big motivator for him. He's actually been asking me to play Zumba with him lately, which is great!

    Best advice on getting him to eat healthier foods/more fruits and veggies is to "sneak" it in to home cooked meals! :) Much like with kids, if they are given a full portion of just plain greens right there plopped on their plate, they're most likely going to say "bleeh" and not touch it. I've started to mix spinach in many of our meals, like pasta, scrambled eggs, salads etc and my guy is starting to come around to it more. He still refuses to touch broccoli or asparagus but that's ok, can't force things on them.

    Also, for the soda habit he decided to cut back on his own when he saw the noticeable difference in how he felt physically with drinking more juice and less cola. He would always complain that he felt sick or bloated when downing a few cans of coke, but when he started to drink the juices I bring home he even mentioned how he doesn't feel as 'gassy' and unconformable.

    I hope this helps a bit, you're a great girlfriend for wanting to help him get healthier and I wish you the best of luck! :) Just remember not to push too hard or he will become more resistant.
