Cardio Yoga DVD Recommendations ?

Hey all!

I am looking for recommendations. Let me explain what and why:

1) I have practiced yoga off and on via DVD and in studio for the last decade

2) Much of the Gaiam stuff I have remains too slow

3) I bought and sort-of like* Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown--good workout, nice timing, will definitely continue, but looking for others

4) I need quiet workouts, no accessories, no more than 40 min (I have a toddler, usually can't find a class at 9pm when I could go, so need something that I can do while he naps or after his bedtime)

I'd love to know what you've tried and why you like/value them--and thanks, in advance, for any suggestions!

*re Jillian Michael's DVD: I value the practice of yoga and the metaphors linking body and practice--I don't like Gillian's voice (stressful) for the practice, nor her too-easy dismissal of "yoga speak," which she belittles--or at the very least shows her discomfort with--on several occasions..

also, before the "why yoga?" appears: because of the timing of working out, my inability to make noise while doing it, my inability to leave the house at convenient times, my preference for continuing this practice rather than beginning something new, my temperament (c'mon, a mom to a TODDLER and a woman who works at home for the time being, I NEED the stress reduction, too--do you really know what it's like to balance work, home and tot?)