Help all you can eat chinese buffet!!!!



  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    At chinese buffets....

    I usually get shrimp (non breaded. Add shrimp calories then some butter...)

    salad bar - easy enough to count with that.

    Brocoli and beef... they have estimates in the food database.

    Steamed rice...white... it's around 100 - 120 per half a cup.

    Egg rolls can be 200-300 depending on size.

    I'd avoid most fried stuff... it's too much of a problem to 'estimate'

    Good luck. Enjoy the day. Don't eat enough to fill sick. Drink a lot of water AND remember... "One cupcake won't make you fat, just like one salad won't make you skinny." =P

    thanks for this-I have this coming up too - love the cupcake/salad thing-brilliant!
  • rustvaar
    rustvaar Posts: 11 Member
    I wind up at a Chinese Buffet each week with my work colleagues. One approach I like to take is a little more calories burnt in the morning at the gym. Fun fact; 42 lb ago I was able to load three plates up and eat the lot, now I'm barely able to manage a plate and a half - my colleagues notice this too. It's quite a pleasant feeling for people to look and go "Hey, this guy isn't a glutton, now!" - Work toward that :)

    As others have said - VEGETABLES, VEGETABLES, VEGETABLES!!. I'd recommend you try and drain off any sauces as best you can and chow down on mushrooms, broccoli, water chestnut, baby corn and carrots - all tasty stuff in its own right! :D

    After that you'll hopefully feel full, if not just keep reminding yourself of your objective!
    You're not there to pig out, you're there to enjoy the food and prove to yourself that even with temptation staring you down you can flip it off and do your own thing.

    If you're not a fan of vegetables I would look for any chicken dishes - avoid batter and breadcrumb - chicken in a blackbean sauce would be a good bet. Also I found out recently our Chinese buffet does SALAD. I thought it was a joke, but there you go. Always exercise moderation, though :)

    Obviously everyone wishes you the best of luck but you may need some damage control just in case;
    If it doesn't all go to plan don't beat yourself up! It's not the end of the world and it's not the end of your journey.
    Chalk it up to experience and realise maybe you're not ready to go to a place where "all you can eat" is the order of the day.

    At very least, have fun and enjoy the time with your friend on their 21st! :D
  • rquantick
    rquantick Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice i'm going to be good even though this is the 1st time i've been out for a meal for about 6 months but i need to lose weight so i'm going to be strong ( either that or i wont be going out for another 6 months lol)
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I eat mostly shellfish and veggies. But...I will not pass up at least one Crab Rangoon or eggroll or a few tempura vegetables. If they have sushi or sashimi I usually get that along with soup. Fruit for desert.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Eat what you like but eat LESS than what you would have before you started the weight loss process.

    Deprivation is not sustainable. Going over the limit once in a while for a celebration is normal.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Well, we have fajita bar buffet at my work right now and MAN it's delicious.

    When faced wtih any buffet, just be mindful and creative... for example, I did without the tortillas today and just made myself a bowl. I loaded up on flavorful and low calorie salsa to top it instead of cheese, sour cream and quacamole.

    For a Chinese buffet, I'd skip fried rice in favor of steamed rice (and I'd actually go a step further and request brown rice from the kitchen if they didn't have any out). I'd avoid deep fried meats, I'd poach lots of broccoli from the beef and broccoli dish, if there is any shrimp curry, I'd pull some of the shrimp out and try to leave most of the sauce behind, I'd try to go with what is most likely to be the leanest meat (probably chicken)... just think about your choices.

    When I sti down to eat, I'd have to also make a conscious effort to eat slowly. If I eat too fast and other people are still eating, it'd really make me want to get seconds which I know I wouldn't actually NEED. So, slow down. Enjoy your food. Engage in conversation so you eat slower too.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    Start with a clear soup - you can add veggies to this if there are any you fancy. Then look for the veggies - my chinese buffet always has a huge pile of greens sauteed with garlic and soy sauce, and usually some sort of cauliflower dish. Fill up on these. There will be plain boiled rice. When it comes to protein, sometimes you can be between a rock and a hard place - my local buffet tends to either have overly reduced, gloopy, sweet sauces on meats or various forms of deep-fried seafood. Between the two, I'd pick a portion of fried seafood - usually prawns. You may be able to get prawns or chicken cooked simply with garlic, chili, ginger and soy sauce, though - that would be a better option. Or plain grilled meats if they have those. Then fruit for dessert.

    You are there to have a good time though - so don't deny yourself that - a spoon of egg fried rice is not going to undo all your hard work. Keep it under control, enjoy what you do have, drink PLENTY of water and prepare to retain some water weight for the next few days!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    " all you can eat" is an invitation and not a challenge :-)
  • stephcampbell77
    Ewwww. Never ever eat a chinese buffet. Ever. Check Health Dept inspections before you go. Almost every single one is ALWAYS on the verge of being shut down. Sorry I didn't help with your situation any.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    3 words;
    Steamed vegetable dumplings.
  • HardRockCamaro
    Stay off anything breaded or fried
    Try and limit the amount of rice you eat.
    Stay away from chips if they serve them.
    Veg is good
    Limit the amount of meat you eat and try and get stuff that isn't in a load of sauce, especially if it's something like sweet and sour

    Don't get desert.

    Top tip: Eat slowly. In 20 mins your brain will tell you you're full anyway.

    Also don't panic too much, just don't binge.
    I think I read that putting on 1lb of weight means eating 3,500kcals over your needs (someone correct me on the numbers) and a mahoosive chinese of bad stuff for me (and I *love* chinese so can pack it away) is I recon 2,000 cals so if you don't pig out and go 800 or 1,000 cals over or whatever it's not the end of the world. An extra hours worth of time on an elliptical that week will wipe most of that off. Plus you could eat maybe 100cals less each day for the next 3-4 days to offset a good chunk of it too.

    I think ppl on here sometimes are too strict and the reality is you want to enjoy yourself and treat yourself once in a while!

    Just try not to go mad and make sure you don't get a taste for it in case you fall off the wagon.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Fill up on the shrimp! That way, you get the protein *and* your money's worth!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ewwww. Never ever eat a chinese buffet. Ever. Check Health Dept inspections before you go. Almost every single one is ALWAYS on the verge of being shut down. Sorry I didn't help with your situation any.

    OMG! Yeah, I'm sure. Generalize much?

    Our city has more than a dozen Chinese buffets, and they actually have better health inspection scores than any of the "American" restaurants. I would eat at a Chinese restaurant before I would eat at just about any other restaurant. They have won awards from the health department. (at least the ones near me have)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    chinese? gross! now, you talk about an all you can eat mexican buffet, and im TOAST!

    What about a Chinese/Mexican buffet, ran by Mexican-Americans?,+MO&safe=on&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Golden+Super+Buffet&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Golden+Super+Buffet&cid=0,0,378244768709202755&sa=X&ei=nCYQUdf7A4elrQGU84B4&ved=0CIwBEPwSMAA
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I always go around and fill most of my plate with vegetables - the local place has garlic and sesame green beans that are divine! - while I evaluate everything else there, then I go back around and get a couple of my favorite, non-fried items as side dishes. No rice.