Inner thigh exercises

Anyone have any good exercises that work the inner thigh that I can do easily at home. I carry a lot of fat in this area and I'm very scared of getting saggy skin there when I lose all my weight.


  • moustache_flavored_lube
    First of all be aware that you cannot "spot reduce" so working this area will do nothing to burn off the fat there.

    Tie a resestance band to your ankle then secure to something like a bedpost. while standing ups tep so your legs are apart then bring the leg (with the band attahed back together.

    Wide legged squats / sumo deadlifts should also work this area
  • toni_may
    I know I can't spot reduce I am losing a lot of weight hopefully for everywhere haha but thanks i will try those :)
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    In the cardio strength classes I am taking at the gym- we do a bunch of weight work and squats and she has us hold a weight in each hand and sit low in a open leg squat {left leg at 11 o'clock and right leg at 2clock} and lift the weights. Also helps core. You have to truly pretend you are sitting, chest up and core in. Do 3 sets of 12 and then you can also do pulsing in that position. You will feel it. Also lay fully on your side, that side of your body's hand on side of head and hold legs out, toes pointing toward the wall straight and long, and pull both feet together in air, not too much off ground but about 12 inches or so away and have toes/feet touch, pulsing inside of thighs. We also do tons of pliques {spelling? You know, the ballet things} with a bar. You could use a broom or something to help with balance. Hope this helps. Sort of hard to describe some of these exercises.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Definitely weighted sumo squats! Also, go on youtube and look up "blogilates". There are quite a few good inner thigh workouts there. One is called "Drive-By Inner Thighs". That one is short, but brutal!
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    side lunges!