Alcohol Consumption



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK - Please hold off on the soapbox speeches on this subject. Purely from a caloric standpoint I want to know what folks think about burning a few hundred calories a night on Alcohol consumption.

    Every night? I think it's a horrible idea. Even if you burn it off with exericse, your body needs NUTRITION. So, unfortunately, nothing should be answered soley from a calorie standpoint because that's not even close to all that matters. Alcohol is empty calories. A few hundred empty alcohol calories are far worse than burning a few hundred calories on ice cream every night, because at least ice cream has some nutritional value.

    Do I drink alcohol? Yes, but more like once every two weeks. It's one of those things that is best done in moderation (I enjoy it more doing it that way, too, actually).

    So, the short of it is that you may be able to do it and still lose weight to a point, yes, but you're not doing your body any favors at all. If your goal is to lose weight, can (probably) do. I knew a girl who went from weighing around 130 to around 115 and all she ever ate or drank was like a 12 pack of light beer a night (she now weighs about 250). But, if your goal is to be healthy, it's unfortuntately a no go.

    And I don't know where you are geographically, but a "double shot" of vodka 'round these parts is closer to 200 calories. 1 OUNCE of vodka = about 70 calories. 1 shot = 1.5 ounces.

    I second this post. And I'll add too it. Alcohol supplants ALL other energy sources in the body while it's in your blood, it's kind of like SUPER STRENGTH simple carbs in that respect.

    That's fine, maybe you'll put on a little fat that way, maybe not, BUT what it surely does is relegates any undigested carbs (and don't kid yourself, you almost always have undigested carbs in your system if you've eaten complex carbs in the last 6 to 8 hours) to fat storage. This is badness, pure and simple.

    Add that to the serious damage daily alcohol will do to your liver, and you're really putting yourself behind the 8 ball in the long run.