How do you know what you think you know?

Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
This is a serious question.

Many people swear that X supplement works, that skipping breakfast made them fat, that X food is the debbil and has all sorts of deleterious effects etc etc.

But how do you really know that? Using personal experiences (post hoc fallacies)? You heard it from Dr Oz (appeal to authority)? You googled it and found evidence to support your original thought on the matter (confirmation bias)? Or did you do actual objective research leading you to your current opinion on the matter? I'm guessing not too many are falling into the latter category.

So before all the bold proclamations that something works or should be avoided, try doing a little objective research my special snowflake friends, you might be surprised that what you think you know, is just a bunch of nonsense
