New & Need Friends

Hello everybody! This is my first day here & I'm looking for friends. I logged my first day of eating (before joining this site) and I'm not too proud of how its looking, so I think I could use the motivation of having some friends on my list.
Here's a little about me...
I've lost weight before. Through high school I bounced between my highest weight of 220 lbs and my lowest weight (that I knew of) at 169. Now, having graduated and just moved out on my own, I've gotten back up to 200, and I'm not happy about it. Its been hard for me to make good food choices because I'm working so often, fast food is such an easy option, and when I'm home its just easiest to shove a couple of pizza pops in the microwave.
I want to change these eating habits. I want to not only lose weight, but get healthy. I've stopped working out since graduation and have gotten out of shape - even going up the stairs to my apartment leaves me out of breathe!

My main goals:
-To *not* be out of breathe when I get up the stairs to my apartment!
-To get down to a healthy weight
-To be more active & fit
-To feel good about myself & my body
-To fit my favorite jeans without having to squeeze into them
-To stop feeling so self conscious in a bathing suit

Also, if anyone has some good work out plans they follow, please let me know on them. I'd like to start out with something light to get myself used to actually moving again - and I need something that's good for my arms. Of all the things I'm most self-conscious about, its my arms (...and my chin).


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome aboard to an awesome site ...........feel free to add me ........Wishing you much success :bigsmile: I walk 5x a week with Leslie Sansone walking dvd's ..... I too am out of shape ..I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 but let tragic things and life in general get in the way but I am back with more willpower and a positive attitude ... I CAN DO THIS ........YOU CAN DO THIS ........WE CAN DO THIS :happy: