Super Bowl Festivities

I completely blew my diet yesterday. I had such great intentions. I behaved all day, but when the spread was on the table, I couldn't stop myself and I feel guilty saying this, but I completely enjoyed it!

Today is a new day, back on it again. I have no way to even know what to enter for my food items for yesterday's Dinner, but I figure there is no pointing in dwelling on it. Bad is bad, but just move on!!


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you aren't the only one. What's a Super Bowl Party without beer and wings? We're all climbing back up onto the wagon today
  • rachelannecraig
    One bad day isn't going to knock you off your path. It sounds like you already have a great attitude about moving beyond it!
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    If it was only one bad day, everyone else is right, it won't knock you down, but how was Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, your birthday? Now it's not one day is it?
    Holidays, Birthdays, Vacations, are not reasons to get off your quest if you have not yet reached your goal. They just delay your success.
  • JVazquez11
    JVazquez11 Posts: 19 Member
    I allow myself certain free days a year to eat as much I want. Super Bowl Sunday is a perfect day for guilt free eating. I went into yesterday knowing I would eat about 2,000 calories above my norm (1600 calories). The very next day (i.e. today) I will typically eat between 900 - 1,000 calories and then the following days I will eat less (1200 - 1300 calories) until I have eliminated the extra 2,000 caloreis I consumed. This way I cancelled out my overindulgence. The first day helps me to get back on the bang wagon.
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    I completely understand , lol. I made the Buffalo Shrimp Dip from skinny taste with bagel chips but some of the other options when graazing weren't the best. For dinner it was a hamburger ( no cheese !) w/tomato and ketchup only , and 1 hebrew national hot dog. I grazed over a not so healthy buffalo chicken dip , a few sour cream and onion chips and a slice of lemon pound cake.

    Overall not the worst but still made me feel "off". I drank way too much - including 2 hurricanes with 4 -6oz alcohol each , about 4 Capt. Morgan and diet cokes with 90% rum lol ,and 2 beers.

    Today it's back on track with a banana and greek yogurt for lunch and a lean cusinie for lunch and the gym for 45 minutes high intensity workout on the treadmill. One day won't undo progress unless we allow it to. Be strong !
  • carolinagirl0
    carolinagirl0 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm right there with ya but back on track today.
  • JVazquez11
    JVazquez11 Posts: 19 Member
    You're right the key is to get right back on track and not feel guilty.
  • tasson
    tasson Posts: 37
    Hello, I did the same thing, and feel so upset with myself today. I did a rough calculation on my calories, and I figure at lease 2500 :noway: I even told myself going in how easy 3000 + cals would be. Yet, I still went for it.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Same thing with me, except I am not going to even try to calculate them. But there was a HUGE bowl of ice cream involved. I am back on the wagon today. Hopefully I didn't sabotage my whole week.