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  • sebailey3
    sebailey3 Posts: 12 Member
    I think what clicked for me was just how many calories i was taking in vs. how many i was using because I'm not really a couch potato all the time, I play volleyball two nights a week and do a small cardio workout most other nights plus I spend most of my day on my feet. I always enter my food into here before I eat it just so I know before hand just what I'm eating and if I don't like what I see then I don't eat it. I think that, for me anyway, I really need to watch how many carbs I take in especially sugars because my body can't handle them. It sees a carb and goes "duh I don't know what to do with this so lets just put it into storage until I can figure it out" only it never does know what to do with it. People like that need to link their carbs with protein in a 15g of carbs to 7 grams of protein per meal. the more protein the better, but don't cut out carbs because your body does need them, my understanding is that its the only energy source your brain can use. How this was helpful.