What was your breaking point.



  • lisaanne1704
    For me it was a culmination of things - I've been obese for most of my adult life, but about 2.5 years ago my ex left me for a much slimmer and fitter woman, destroying what little confidence I had left and taking all our friends with him. Although I wasn't so upset about the end of the relationship I was humiliated and upset that all our friends had cast me aside. I think part of the reason for that is due to my size. I think he was seen to have 'traded up' and as an obese woman I have no right to complain. I was very depressed and lonely and comfort ate. I gradually got better by learning to appreciate my real friends, taking lots of holidays, doing more fun things, and coming to terms with my new life, but was still overeating. I figured I'm not trying to impess anyone so who cares what I look like?
    Then I went for the annual medical at work and have high tri-glycerides, and pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (I don't drink so at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about!) and a whole number of lifestyle related issues that I wouldn't have known about without the tests as they're not affecting my day to day life at the moment, but are lurking there beneath the surface like a ticking bomb. Basically - just as I'm starting to feel better emotionally, I realise this fun new life is likely not to last very long if I carry on down this road! So last year I tried a few things that didn't work, then stumbled across MFP - lost 25 pounds and felt so much better - the daily achievement and having something positive to focus on, feeling in control of some part of your life is worth more than any therapy! However..... I then went on a series of holidays over about 4 months and put all the weight I'd lost back on..... I enjoyed myself though! But Jan 2nd I went back to MFP - started from scratch, new year, new me, lucky 2013..... Doing ok so far.....
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Great thread!

    I didn't have a breaking point re weightloss, I began to lose accidentally (kind of) when I took up dance. I loved it and did it as much as possible and the weight came off. Joining MFP and seriously tracking my calories in and out came about when I went on new medication and was told to expect to put on 10-20kg. That was HUGE I'd just managed to lose 20kg over 2 years and I wasn't going to let it all go to waste. I decided to believe that the medication was only going to make me fat if I let it, and that monitoring what I ate and how I exercised was now imperitive.

    Instead of putting on 10kg (22lb) I've lost another 10kg - in total over 30kg (68lb to be exact) gone!!
  • DesertFox15
    DesertFox15 Posts: 23 Member
    When I realized that I had been chasing the effect instead of the cause. In essence, losing weight was not going to make me mentally tough or miraculously change my point of view. When I realized that I first had to reform my mentality and looked inward, I was able to find the mental fortitude I never thought I had. At that point, and at that point alone, I was able to make a change. Haha, sorry if I went a bit too metaphysical, but that's really what made me change!!!
  • GasnotGas
    GasnotGas Posts: 54 Member
    About 2 years ago I bumped into an old friend I had lost contact with (hadn't seen him for about 4-5 years) he was clearly shocked on how much weight I had put on and mentioned in a jokey way that he didn't recognise the fat me.

    A few weeks later I met up with a load of guys I used to train martial arts with, the same thing happened a few of the guys politely mentioned (in the blokey way) how much I had changed in size.

    I put it to the back of my mind but it wouldn't go away, no denying it, I am overweight, about a year ago I started taking action, I'm still on the case now.
  • MissMdM
    MissMdM Posts: 124 Member
    My ex telling me I was fat and unattractive. Something in me just got pissed. Really mad. Fed up and ready to prove the haters wrong
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    When my scale read 77.6 kilos in early November 2012. I just stood there thinking "What am I going to do when it says 78? What am I going to do when it says 79? What am I going to do when it says 80?!?!" So I decided there and then to take steps to get healthy and fit again. Now I'm at 69 kg. :happy: Short term goal - 66 kg. Long term goal 60 kg.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    My breaking point was looking in the mirror and realizing I HATED MYSELF and hated taking pictures...my bf was cheating on me and I was looking at the girls and realized, they were thin. I wasnt.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't think there was any one thing. My whole life was just a wreckage and I woke up one day with some energy and decided to put right the easiest thing to fix, which was losing weight and getting healthy.

    But I do remember not long before that (or maybe it was even after I started, I don't remember) I was grocery shopping and I heard this teenage girl tell her boyfriend, "She looks like my mom."

    Granted, I'm old enough to have been her mom, but I still didn't like it because I have never looked my age before. Pretty sure that motivated me for some good old fashioned vanity reasons.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I didn't have a scale for years, but the day I got one and it showed me 72kg changed everything. After a few weeks spent in denial I made a plan and stuck to it. I'm now at ~57kg and I'm not going to stop until I get to my highschool weight of 54. I'm motivated by the fact that I'm getting close to 30yo and I want to enter my next decade looking hot.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I had many breaking points. In fact I have been “on diet” for the last 5 years, and despite of that I have not lost weight, because either I yo-yoed, or lost commitment. I have seen my friends losing a significant amount of weight over this time, and I have not lost anything – felt so bad.

    Not exactly a breaking point, but I had two dreams (nightmares) lately - that I met two of my most obese friends and they were slim. One of these friends, she said, is actually trying to lose weight. I have not seen her for several months now, and I will only meet her in about 3 months. I would not be able to live with myself if she lost weight and would be slimmer than me.

    So, some sort of fear is fuelling me this time.