The Time for Talk is Over

I'm sure a lot of us have been there, right? We've said to ourselves "I really want to lose weight" when the truth has been we just want it to magically happen without any changes. Well, I finally hit the point where it had to cease being just words and I had to back it up. So here I am.

My name is Steve, I'm from Perth but now living in Melbourne, and I am proud to be a geek. I'm not, however, proud of the "gamer physique" I currently possess, and I'm here to do something about it. Started the MFP journey a couple of weeks ago, and there is nothing like results to motivate you!

I'll be around the boards and generally plodding along, so if people want someone to discuss RPGs, wargames & miniatures, IT stuff, motorcycling or the cricket with, you know where to find me.