Would you rather be very smart or very attractive?



  • kscalish
    if you were smart you'd realize you are attractive!
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I'm already smart & it never worked with men. Hence I'm here trying to work on my looks.

    You are hanging out with the wrong men.

    Find someone clever enough to appriciate your mind and you have a match worth having. After all:

  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    Sue me...I'd rather be attractive.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'd rather be smart. I've spent my life unattractive and it certainly makes things (like monogamy) a lot easier ;-)

    Lol! I am right there!
  • ConservativeKT
    Charm is deceitful, and beauty is fleeting. :)
    -Prov 31
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I'm already smart & it never worked with men. Hence I'm here trying to work on my looks.

    You are hanging out with the wrong men.

    Find someone clever enough to appriciate your mind and you have a match worth having. After all:


    This times a million. Brain power is hot.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Smart. As one person said, looks can fade.

    Also in the words of Ron White " Ya can't fix stupid".
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I would definitely rather be very attractive. A lot of people misjudge me from my appearance without even getting to know me. It sucks.

    this in my younger days lady would cluch there purse and go across the road if only they new that i'm more scared of them stupid low confidence. i would take attractive because you would have people telling you how hot you are which would build tones of confidence and be populare. who cares if your smart
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm already both. Problem solved!
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I guess I'm in the minority, but I would definitely rather be very attractive. A lot of people misjudge me from my appearance without even getting to know me. It sucks.
    Chances are, people would still misjudge you in some manner or another. Unless you're the spitting image of, like, some well-known Bad Dude and people are always thinking you ARE said Bad Dude. That would suck.

    As for me, I have often thought I would be a lot happier if I were a bit more stupid. I don't know if being more attractive would make me happier, but hey, it's worth a try. Y'know, if someone's offering to wave the wand and all. :)
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    I am surrounded by ignoramuses and idiots on a daily basis, and trust they don't make stupidity look the least bit attractive. GIVE ME SMARTS OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    You are hanging out with the wrong men.

    Many women got it all wrong.

    It took me to get to 30 (and a couple of good honest men) to find out that men will ALWAYS go for looks a.k.a fresh yummy meat. It's encoded biologically. We can learn to accept that but any women registering and trying to lose weight and tracking their calories etc etc on MFP - but then explaining how it is all about the mind and personality is just plain weird and a bit hypocrytical to me.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am smart already :D
    So now I want to be attractive hehe

    Here here!
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    You are hanging out with the wrong men.

    Many women got it all wrong.

    It took me to get to 30 (and a couple of good honest men) to find out that men will ALWAYS go for looks a.k.a fresh yummy meat. It's encoded biologically. We can learn to accept that but any women registering and trying to lose weight and tracking their calories etc etc on MFP - but then explaining how it is all about the mind and personality is just plain weird and a bit hypocrytical to me.

    I am here to get fit and healthy. I am sorry for you if that seems "weird and hypocritical" to you but as you say, you are only 30 and you think you know what all men want. Not even Jung in his seminal work on male psychology (and religious influences over the same covering the past 200 years) could claim that.

    I find it discomforting that a young woman would deliberately choose to go for men who were only after "fresh yummy meat" rather than entertain, even fleetingly, that there may be a companion out there who will love her for her mind and her character rather than for her flesh alone.

    Long term companionship is all about the mind and the personality. Looks change and mature over time but a sharp mind is a wonderful thing. You may realise that as you get older.

    Or not.

  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    LondonEliza, I think I love you! x
  • RunningMannn
    I'm already attractive. Smart some of the time..lol
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    SMART! you cant fix dumb, but you can fix ugly
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    well, not to brag but I do,, as a fact, have a very high IQ, so since thats covered I would like to be attractive :)
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Smart...looks will eventually go away while your intellect will help you get through life.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    Since I happen to be both, I think I'd rather not gamble one away. :P