random bruises...

So for the last couple weeks I have had random bruises show up on my legs. I haven't bumped them, and my cardiovascular is an elliptical. Could it be a strain thing or a diet one? Not sure if this is a common issue or not as I usually give up after a week and I am nearing 30 days now and going strong so I am experiencing a lot of new things/feelings and so I thought I would ask here before making a Dr appt because if its common then no need to waste the money on an appt.


  • echamin
    echamin Posts: 41 Member
    You may want to go to doctor and do some lab work to rule out anything serious.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Same thing has been happening to my recently also. I do cardio on a bike and weightlifting. Not sure how I got them D:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I have the weirdest bruise right now - instead of being all solid colored it's purple polka dots. No idea how I got it - but I did do a serious leg workout with the trainer the other day.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Definitely head to the doctor and see if you can't get a blood test drawn. Off the top of my head I'm thinking low iron, as this is a symptom of it I believe, but I'm not a doctor so...better consult one!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Not to worry you too much. My sister had something similar, not just an odd bruise tho. She had quite a serious deficiency in her blood. So go see a doctor if you keep on getting bruises that you can not account for, it is worth getting it checked.
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Get your blood sugar and Liver tested...Did you or do you drink lots of alcohol? If the answer is Yes,then go to the Dr. sooner rather than later.
  • hmp1130
    hmp1130 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone... No alcohol, haven't had a drink in 5 years. I have been anemic in the past but wasn't aware that it caused bruises, my symptoms were always feeling cold & weak, but now that I know it may be a symptom I will make an appt so that I can get the proper Iron Rx, and to get my liver tested as well as I had HELLP at the end of my pregnancy which was why my daughter was born at 31 weeks and at that point my liver had almost failed. Looks like its time to find a Dr. :(
  • supermoo2
    Definitely get it checked out!!!!!!
  • Buckeye_Fittie
    Last month I found random bruises all over my body. A blood test showed that I'm anemic. I started taking an iron supplement and problem solved.

    Maybe try taking one and see if it resolves the issue?