Army Hair Cuts

cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
I'm joining the Army and trying to decide if i want to keep my hair longer and put it up every day, or just cut it all off so i don't have to deal with it at basic training.

thoughts? opinions? personal experiences?


  • lovemusclesgirl
    lovemusclesgirl Posts: 18 Member
    I kept my hair long the entire 9 1/2 years I was in the army so much easier to take care of for me. I just pulled it into a ponytail and then pinned my hair in a bun. :-) I even was in the Gulf War and I still kept my long hair. :-). But you have to do what makes your life easier.
    Take Care!
  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats on your decision to join the army, I wanted to join the Navy but unfortunately my headscarf would be in violation of the uniform and I wouldn't be able to wear it :(. I'm a little jealous of you right now. I think tying up your hair everyday will get annoying after a while especially while doing basic training, but if you don't mind doing it then maybe just cut it a little shorter so its not as long. Good luck! Wishing you the best :)
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    bumpity bump bump
  • cubbie_girl
    cubbie_girl Posts: 99 Member
    I'm AF and I cut mine really short for basic training, which was the best decision for me. My TI was a female and she was SO strict about our hair. Only 5 minutes to get dressed and get it pulled back and any little fly-aways (including the short hairs around your neck) were grounds for 20-20-20 or discipline in her book. The couple of us with short hair never had to worry about that - just make sure it's still within regulation.

    Since then I've grown it out and have kept it long, even during deployments. The only time long hair sucks now is during training or exercises when we have to wear a gas mask. You have to take it down to don the mask but put it back up when the mask comes off.

    Whatever you decide, good luck with your military future!
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
  • congrats on signing up.
    I'm a SSG and a platoon leader for an Army Reserve unit with female Soldiers that I am responsible for. How you wear your hair is up to you. As someone stated before, you have only so much time to get ready in the morning and be out the door for training. Only can decide what will be easier for you. If it takes you awhile to get your hair ready, then cut it. It's hair... it will grow back. If you want the specifics on how to wear your hair, you can reference AR (Army Regulation) 670-1 Wear and Appearance of the Military Uniform. This covers every aspect of how you should look in your ACU's and ASU's.
    If you have any other questions please feel free to message me. I deal with a lot of pre-basic Soldiers.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    This is nothing to do with me but you all are just amazing <3
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    I've never been in the army but I can say that having really short hair is the easiest thing in the world to deal with. And like Doingitforme7 said, it will grow back. My head was completely shaved for a while and it was great, no hair sticking to my forehead when I was sweating working out, and I never had to style it in the mornings. But, I got to a point where I really started to miss it. So, if you're willing to keep up with it I'd say cut it for ease. But, if it's something that doesn't take you long to do in the first place, then keep it. I'd say it just depends on how much effort you're willing to go through with it.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Not a female but a Veteran nontheless.

    I forgot about gas mask training.
    Yeah, crop it as short as you feel comfortable cutting it. It is not like you will have a lot of time in Basic or in AIT to really care for it anyway.
    I know that people with hair use shampoo, conditioner, and other stuff. You won't really have time for that.
    And I can only imagine what happens when those rubber straps from the gas mask get wrapped up in your hair...
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    bumping again for more opinions!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I would cut it short for Basic, and if you like longer hair grow it out in AIT.

    You have little time to prep in the morning in Basic plus, as stated earlier, the gas mask.

    You need to be able to get the mask on, straps tight/located correctly, and cleared in 8 seconds in order to pass. I wouldn't want any hair in the way of that.
  • I'm joining the Army and trying to decide if i want to keep my hair longer and put it up every day, or just cut it all off so i don't have to deal with it at basic training.

    thoughts? opinions? personal experiences?
    don't cut it all off...there is no me :)
  • This is nothing to do with me but you all are just amazing <3
    Thank you :)
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    I'm joining the Army and trying to decide if i want to keep my hair longer and put it up every day, or just cut it all off so i don't have to deal with it at basic training.

    thoughts? opinions? personal experiences?
    don't cut it all off...there is no me :)

    1. i wasnt going to cut it ALL off, just get a short cut.
    2. why should i trust you?
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    Congrats on Joining!... cant really give good advice... they shaved my head when I enlisted.. have been doing that ever since!
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I am a huge fan of very short hair to start with, and think you have a great face for it. It will be faster not only in the mornings, but drying after showers and such. Best wishes!!!!
  • I've had my hair long and short while in the Army. Short hair is a little faster to do in the morning it just requires getting it cut every 4-6 weeks to keep it within regulation depending on how short you go or if you do more of a bob style. Putting it in a bun does get easier and faster the more you do it too. I think there are benfits to both hair styles.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I vote for bun! Then you can doll yourself up with curls and cute updos when you aren't at work.

    Short hair is cute too!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    bump just for you congratulations on joining you look great either way you choose
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    They took all my hair for both Army boot, and Navy boot two years later. They should take it off the women too...equal rights and all. :laugh:

    Seriously though, I would think short is your best bet. You're going to be pressed for time in the early days of boot, and anything that helps you save time (like being able to run a bar of soap over your head, towel dry, etc) will be your friend.