slim fast 3-2-1 and 30 day shred!

Hi im new to this site i started this and dieting/exercising monday. I do jullian michaels 30-day shred once a day (with a break after the first two days) i just couldnt bend my legs lol. I have two slim fast meal bars a day (one for lunch and one for either lunch or dinner) and a no more than 500 cal. meal, also have about 3 snacks a day (100 cal. each). I am on a 1200 calorie diet, I am 5"4 i just had two babys back, my son in sept. 2011 and my daughter sept. 2012. I was 150 pre preg. (though i carried it well, looked alot less than that) and was 204 at the end of my second pregnancy, When i started this diet and exercise plan I weight 179 its been 1 week and ive already lost 3 1/2 pounds (: super excited of the progress so far! it was hard at first with lowering the food intake esp with the meal bars because id still be hungry after but my bodies starting to get more and more usto it (: any one else have success stories with either slimfast 3-2-1 or 30 day shred? (: please share!


  • Hey,
    First, Congrats on the 3 lbs.

    Im new too and I also started the slim fast 3 2 1 yesterday. I'm 5'2 and 184lbs. No babies or anything, just bad eating habits, all within the past two years. I want to get down to 130 and lose about 10lbs a month.

    One thing I do find with Slim Fast is that I am hungry. I have a shake for breakfast, salad with chicken for lunch and a shake for dinner post workout. I am doing an hour of cardio a day six days a week and weight lifting three days a week. But i am determined to make it work.

    I joined MFP because I have lost weight before but gained it back. I have come to the conclusion that it is because I do not really have a social network for support. So I am giving this a shot.

    Please keep me updated! I will do the same.
  • Lexieberry
    Lexieberry Posts: 182 Member
    I need to find my copy of the 30ds somewhere in my house lol..but I was actually going to try the SF 3-2-1 and keep a 1200 cal a day plan. good luck! and i understand with baby weight its hard to lose, i'm working hard after having my son in march of last year ;) best wishes on your journey
  • Thank you ladies the slim fast 321 is hard at first, you will feel hungry but your body just has to adjust to the less amounts of food.i find that working out or keeping my self busy after i eat a slim fast meal bar, it avoids me feeling hungry still, kinda makes it go away. So i wont cheat on my diet, well work it!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    There are lots of approaches to losing weight but don't be afraid to eat! You don't need to be hungry all the time! Being hungry and living off bars isn't sustainable long term, and it isn't teaching you healthy ways to eat for life to keep off the weight. Please check this out,
  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
    ^^yeah I agree with you katwhelton26! I'd rather lose weight slowly if it means that I can eat. I also don't want to stop the diet and then put the weight back on.
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    I agree. You can eat a 1200 cal diet and eat a ton of food. You don't have to deprive yourself with bars. You will fail with that because you either get bored or you starve. You just have to play around with food and different recipes to see how much food you can fit into your calorie "budget". I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for about a year now. I did lose a lot, but I ate a lot! I have been plateauing for four months now. I know its because I'm not getting enough calories. I just took my calories up to 1500 (started a new exercise program, I was doing Jillian Michaels) and I've already lost a pound within days. You're hungry because your body needs more calories/sustenance. It took me a while to understand that. Overall, congrats and good luck on your journey!
  • I only eat 2 bars a day, i do eat real food but dont go over my limit of 1200. So yes im still learning to eat healthy and track my calories. If i ate everytime i felt hungry i wouldnt lose any weight. Which is why i started the bars.they workbetter than eating yogurt for breakfast:)
  • Its more of the hungryr because im bored lnwhich im refering too btw . With two babies its hard to fit exercise in. I workout 20 mins a day and ends up being around midnight because they dont nap much. Im not doing slim fast long tern either just to get a kickstart and help motivate myself, tastesvawesome too so thats a plus!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I compared the labels of slim fast drinks and bars to other bars and the slim fast ones are very low on protein and fiber. Also it would probably be better to get protein whey to make your own shakes that are more nutritious.
  • Oh i wont touch the shakes, ick. Onlyy meal bars i get other meal bars, from different brands aswell. For variety. Love the performance protien bars. And sometimes i only eat 1 bar a day and have a healthy sandwhich for lunch instead. Alot of my problem is pickyness ive been a vegitarian since i was born, just started eating chicken 2 years ago when i got pregnant with my first. I will only eat it at a resraunt though, i wont eat it at home if it frozen baked or fried , only on the grill lol. Plus i dont eat fish or any other meats so i figured the bars would be a good replacement since i dont get much protein.
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    welcome! always great to see new motivated people! If you guys need friends feel free to add me :) Always looking to motivate!
    I also have a blog with recipes, workouts (ones for home too) and lots of tips!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Here's the thing about weight loss. You CAN lose weight on a special diet like slim fast or whatever, but the only way to keep weight OFF is by making it a "lifestyle". And I can't see only having slim fast for the rest of my life. As soon as you go off special diets, you are more likely to regain all the weight that you lost while on it. Whereas, if you just eat properly, very day, you will lose weight, and keep it off as you make it into a lifestyle.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I've tried slim fast and I was always so hungry. I'm glad that it's working for you, but I love to eat. I don't want to starve myself with 2 cans a day. I would go crazy! I did go crazy and that's why slim fast didn't work for me.

    Good luck to you.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    If you really want to do shakes and bars that is fine. Just chose wiser!!! Slim Fast has way too much, fat and calories and way to little protein and fiber........

    Look for shakes with no more that 200 calories and a min of 25 grams of protein, very little fat as well.

    For bars, again around 200 calories, about 20 grams of protein and no more than 6 grams of fat.

    Premier Protein, Muscule Milk Like, Pure Protein, Jay Robb....... All much better choices!!!!

    Shake for Breakfast, half of bar for morning and afternoon snack, protein filled meals for lunch and dinner.

    Watch salads as can be high in calories and fat not protein. Same with sandwichs, watch the sodium!!!

    Add lots of water and fiber to stay flushed....

    Best of Luck!!!
  • The bars are good for me because i dont eat meat, and the only protien i get is from cheese, so bars help wth that. The ones i eat are 180 and 200 each. I dont do the shakes ornthe slim fast snacks.just meal bars. Before i got pregnant i did an all veggie diet lunch and inner i onlynate that breakfast i ate dry cereal, it wasneffective and when i stopped it , the weight didnt come back. Thisnhas been going the way, if i can stick to that diet im more than sure i can with this one and not gain it back afterwards:)
  • I am starting slim fast today. I am doing it to kick start my diet and gain the motivation needed to make this a long term journey. The idea of meal replacement (whether it be shakes or bars) works for me, because I need to focus on self control and also portion control. Meal replacement just works for me to put me in the right frame of mind to lose weight.

    People say you will gain it back afterward, but I don't necessarily agree. With slim fast, you know how many calories you are taking in every day. As long as you stick to that number, you shouldn't gain weight back. Why not eat those calories with normal food? Again, for me it's about self control. It's sad to say, but it really is.
  • so far the meal bars work awesome. i eat them esp. if im not too hungry. plus their yummy. I do have other stuff sometimes but i make sure to NOT go over the amount of calories. I stick with the 200 for breakfast and lunch! it was hard at first but my body got usto the transition. lost 3 pounds the first 5 days!
  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
    I started my Slim Fast and 30 Day Shred in January and ended the shred last week. In 30 days, I lost 11 pounds and about 12 inches. I'm sticking with the Slim Fast and started Insanity 3 days ago... it's def called Insanity for a reason! I'm loving the results so far!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I started off using protein shakes and Atkins meal bars just to keep my calories up but as I progressed and started exercising more, I read everything I could about healthy eating and experimenting with food. I now really love food for the right reasons.

    These bars and shakes should only be used for a few weeks but you have to learn to eat properly. They didn't kick start my "diet" at all because most of them are still full of junk.
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