Food Diary


I am new to this and decided to try the Food Diary. Pretty neat! The program gave me certain daily targets for carbs, fat and protein. I think I entered everything I eat very accurately. I am exceeding my calorie quota by 837 calories per day (2407 calories versus the recommended 1570). I am eating 3 times more fat and about twice as much protein than what is suggested. I am eating fewer carbs than what is suggested. I am a male, about 6' tall and weigh 152 lbs. I am happy with my weight. The program says I will gain 5 lbs in a few weeks. In reality, my weight has remained virtually stable eating about 2400 calories per day.

I do not eat any wheat, rice, oatmeal, crackers, cookies, cakes, pop, etc (i.e. high glycemic food). I believe that might be why I am able to consume a higher amount of calories without gaining weight. My guess is the food diary calculator is based on calories only, rather than factoring in the type of food those calories are coming from. I think most people who struggle with weight eat too many sugars and high-starch carbohydrates. But it would be pretty hard to create a calculator that could figure everything out and factor in whether one's calories are coming from fats and proteins versus high glycemic carbs and sugar.

Best regards,

ADITA Health

Anyway, it was a fun exercise to use the Food Diary and I plan to play with it some more.