Hello anyone from Milton Keynes UK

HI all after nearly 11 years of dieting with weight going on weight coming off I have decided that this is going to be my year I am at my heaviest so I have got alot of work ahead. I sit on my lardy *kitten* for 12 hours a day at work then have no energy when I get home as my work is quiet intense. I have started roller skating with my 2 kids 11 and 10 each week and things are moving in the right direction I live in Milton Keynes and I am 39

I need to reach about 132 pounds and started at 215 I am only 5 foot tall and not sure if i will ever get there but wondered if there was anyone out there similar to me.

I love the outdoors me and my kids enjoy camping and I would love to get back into canoeing and rock climbing etc so if anybody has any useful tips please share them.


Louise x


  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    older than you but from the UK and similar start weight and goals I will send you a friends request :)
  • emz_dreamgirl
    emz_dreamgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Luton, so nearby to you. My husband has started going snowboarding in MK recently and suggested I go with him. I would like to as I know that it would help my weight loss, but a bit scared(and It can be really expensive! Lol. Currently I am trying to motivate myself to get back into running as I used to run every day but haven't done so for about 4 years and have baby weight to lose. I'm currently 12 stone and 5ft 9 and my aim s to lose 1 and a half stone and get down to 10st 7lb.
    I lost 1 stone using my fitness pal last year and am now 8lb under my starting weight after stopping the diet for a bit.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm from Milton Keynes. Welcome to MFP.