Help: Tips on not skipping breakfast or meals in the day

Hello there,

I am looking for some (although obvious to some degree) advice on 'developing' some sort of appetite in the morning and reducing it during the evening.

I currently have a lie-in, have my first small meal midday, go to work not long after that, come back in the evening 7pm and EAT loads (I sleep/wake up late). I'm aware this is the wrong way to do this but was wondering if there is any new insight someone can give.

I can even skip all meals till the evening, so my main focus reducing evening meals when the body is tired and sleepy.



  • I can never really ever face much in the morning but through the week i have just persevered at getting into a routine. Albeit i have something very small, but gradually my body has got used to wanting its wee yogurt or banana in the morning, something which a few months ago would have made me queasy at the thought.

    I would say get yourself into a routine, persevere at it. Also whenever i get a wee hunger pang in the evening after dinner i have a glass of fizzy water.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    My problem was skipping meals.

    As the previous poster suggested, start off small. I would have a banana or yogurt and started there. Now I have some toast with jam, or cereal. It will adjust you to it :D
  • Thank you, sound easy although routine is almost key in most things- even working out.

    ...... now what would reccomendations for the evening be? Not to binge!