Hello.....new here and hoping to find buddies


I just joined yesterday at the urging of my daughter who has lost 120 lbs by dieting and exercising. I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic and my doctor said it was time to lose some weight and start exercising. Like many of you, I too have lost and gained, lost and gained, only to quit when I had gained. It's much easier that way for sure, but definitely not the healthiest way. I'm also trying to quit smoking those little cherry cigars and as many of you know, quitting smoking and dieting at the same time is also not the easiest.

Well, I hope I get to know some of you on here and we can help each other find ourselves again and begin a healthier and more energetic lifestyle.



  • jjburdick
    jjburdick Posts: 19 Member
    Hello and welcome I'm here to support you any way I can!!! Add me :smile:
  • metallicaspirit81
    metallicaspirit81 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello and welcome! Feel free to add me if you like. :) Good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • simmonsfisher
    simmonsfisher Posts: 4 Member
    I am also here if you want to add me I join on the 3 Feb 2013.
  • SNOflake888
    SNOflake888 Posts: 71 Member
    It's always nice to have new buddies! Welcome and anyone is free to add me! I'm on everyday!