Need friends that actually comment

AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
and talk to you! My friends have dwindled. People quitting, not logging in, giving up because I'm pregnant. I'm still eating healthy! I'm still active on here. Just cuz I'm getting fatter by choice doesn't make me a bad friend =P


  • I'm here for you girl! I think it's great that you are trying to have the healthiest pregnancy you can! Friend Request is on it's way!
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    You can friend me too! Once you're in there is another new friend I have who is 6 months pregnant so you might want to connect!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I must be unappealing... Lol

    Thanks you guys.
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    Congratulations!!! I'm on MFP ALL the time! Friend me, and I will definitely comment and check in! :smile:
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Add me too! As you as you don't mind me questioning as well as championing!

    I love the pic of your cute pg belly!
  • fairbanksk
    fairbanksk Posts: 52 Member
    Friend request sent, I would be more then happy to help you out.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, I am always on, probably too much, I find we are a big family of support, anyone can add me we all need support for this journey
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    Feel free to friend me! I comment as much as I can on diaries, exercises, and statuses. Log in every day as well! I am TTC and will continue this once that happens as well.
  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 298 Member
    Hey id love to be friends. I remember being pregnant and if you have any questions feel free to ask anytime. I think I had a pretty healthy one because my daughter came out alert and grew so fast and ate all the same foods I ate when I was prego. Weird but from the breast milk too, she still got my nutrients and continued being healthy until she got spoiled from grandma at about 8 months! At least she had a great start.. Anyway, I love having friends who comment and i know what you mean about those who fade away and not log on. Im very active on here and take it serious. I believe in being healthy and feeling great. Feel free to add :)

    Oh and my weight went down hill for the first time after she became 8 months, I gained 40 lbs because of stress and started giving up. Now I'm trying to take it all off. While pregnant I only gained 12lbs (from 155-167) and 20 came off (147) from breastfeeding... Then you know.. It went down hill.. I gained 40 (187).. Then cut out fast food months ago and started this recently as 177..